Sunday, December 9, 2007

I Gotta Hit the CANdidates

Were a less then a year from electing a new president, thank god.  Problem is now which asshole or spinless bastard to choose.  Every election  I usally have one candidate in mind by this time but this time I cant seem to come down to one so what I thought I do is go through the one I think have a chance and list the pro and mainly the cons cause presidential candidates never have many pros.  alos maybe you guys can give me some feedback on what you think about these candidates.

Democrates (list in order of who i think has the best chances)

1.Barack Obama
The man got a good spine he doesn't seem like he would fold on the issues as often as most would have you seem. Also when he talks he seems genuine.  I can usally smell bullshit and most of what he says doesn't come across as that. 

Cons: He is purposley playing the race card.  He wants me to vote for him cause he would be the first black president. He even got the queen of blacks Oprah to back him.  He is pimp her out for votes and i don't like that. He black so what that should be a reason to vote for him.

2.Hillary Rodham Clinton
Pros: Has more spine and bigger balls then any other Democratic candidate, plus she have Bill at her side to help back her and he has experience to give.  It's like getting two presidents for the price of one. She is also ruthless she has that maneater additude, she seems like a lady not to fuck with.

Cons: While she fights for issues she stands for, if it aint on her agenda she won't take any stance on it.  Plus that ruthlessness that is such a pro can also be a con.  Cause what whould she be willing to do to the American public just to get what she wants.

3.John Edwards
Pros: None that make him stand out other then he seems like a nice guy

Spineless, seems to flip-flops on issues


Now IM gonna take a different approach with the republicans cause they  all seem to have the same pros and cons, but my top runners are 1. Rudy, 2.Fred Thompson, 3. Ron Paul

Pros:  They all have good spine they don't seem like trhey would back down  from a fight. They don't flip flop  very often.  Also most seem to genuine or at least commited in their statments.

Cons: Almost all of them are anti-abortion expect Giuliani.and also most are anti-gay  rights  now dont get me wrong im pro- gay right for them to have the same rights as us not  any of that hate crime crap. Lastly they come across as willing to do whatever it takes even lieing to Americans to get the job done.

Now where I stand
Pro-abortion(even though I think its a horrible act)
Pro-gay rights
Pro-eviroment control
Pro-seperation of Church and state*
Anti-big goverment
Anti-illegal immigrants

*Mainly this eliminatea Mitt Romney who is a dick for suggesting that freedom needa religion. which is to imply that atheist don't like freedom. This assholes says he will tolerate other relgions if elected to that I say my relgion is none of your concern and anyways Mormons belive they are the one true church and its their duty to convert others.  So how can I trust this ass not to get all preachy without comprimiseing his faith. I just don't trust him like most Mormons.(TO ALL MORMONS ON MY FRIENDS LIST IF YOUR ON IT I DON'T MEAN YOU CAUSE IF I DIDN'T TRUST YOU I WOULDN'T HAVE YOU ON MY LIST)

Overall it gonna be another year where im picking the lesser of two evils. I know there are good candidate out there that have no chance of making it like Gravel he got a good idea and he is passionate but as always he don't have enough buddies in the right places and he is to honest to have a good shot.  It seems we are doomed to pick people we know we can't fully trust because we know voteing for anyone else would be throwing our vote away.

So tell me folks who should I vote for and why and if you see something wrong about a candidate I've listed then make a comment I want to here from you guys.
