Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Dog the Bounty Hunter is my Nigger.

Ah so I love when I'm working on a blog and boom a story comes down related to what im doing and I have to stop and talk about it before moving foward. So here it goes.

One of my Heros and favorite tv stars is Duane "DOG" Chapman. He has a show on A&E called "Dog the Bounty Hunter". I've read his book and this man has been to the edge and back. Drugs, sex, prison, god, vacums,kids, wives and bounty hunting. This man has turned his life around in a way the deserve reconigtion.

Yet today a recorded call of Dog useing the word "Nigger". In the Call Dog was speaking to his son Tucker advising him he could not work for him if he was dating a black girl not because she was black though but from what i took from the call 1. she had some character issue mainly it sounded like she had been threatening to record them saying Nigger and turn it to the tabloids. 2. Dog is aware that sometimes him and his crew use the word Nigger and didn't want the stress of offend her and her getting mad. This nothing like Michael Richards pointing at a man he didn't know and yelling "look its a Nigger" Dog was saying because of the use of the word nigger happens there Tucker couldn't work there. Dog even offered to get him a job else where if he really loved her and wouldn't break it off.

So the results so far A&E is suspend production on the show pending an investigation and Dog has issued and apology for useing the word, and people are now begin to rally against him. Now to this I say what a load of shit. So what he said Nigger, tons of us do in our private conversations even those of us who have black friends. Me for example I have plenty of friends of Spanish and Mexican Decent, but I'm not afraid to use the word Spic, hell I have no problem using any racial slur. Why you may ask cause when I use it its an accurate description of the person. Cause not all blacks are Niggers, not all Mexicans are Spics, not all white people are Trash. If I see any person slothing along being lazy or causeing trouble an apporpriate racial slur will be attach to my description of them

Now its time to be honest cause people are out demonizing a great man for something a majority of us have done. I mean come on can you honestly say that you haven't and really was it really that wrong when you did. And you shouldn't feel bad for doing so as long as you don't apply the word to the whole race with out looking at the individual.

So if you read or have read the story dont't by into this bullshit that he should be sorry cause 1. really none of us can say whe haven't thought or said a slur and 2. the use of these words properly applied are not really slurs at all they are description of the vile of that certain race. So lighting up, like the old saying "Judge Not Lest Ye Be Judged! and Let He Who is Without Sin Cast the First Stone"

Love ya'll

UPDATE: I said dog never called his sons girlfriend a nigger, I was wrong he called her a nigger once on the tape, sorry still don't change how I feel.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Hello all you may have been wondering where the fuck I've been. Welll I almost died, and I can't be more serious. I was minutes to hours away from death. As you all know I've been limited in my mobility and due to that I develop clots in my legs that i was unaware of that traveled to my lungs. Its called a Pulmonary Embolism(PE) I had 2 big one and several small ones. I aint gonna go all into it but I spent 2 days in ICU and 5 day in the regular section. But im back im using a walker and im on oxygen when i sleep but heres the kicker im gonna have to be mobile more and to do so im gonna put the blog on the back burner which sucks I love it but I cant spend 2 hours of sitting still while type and researching and codeing these things so I'll still be bloggin just not as often. So dont worry i still got things to say I haven't gone soft I just need time to recover and ill still be checking my myspace and my email so feel free to drop me a line anytime. Love y'all Tink

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

AmeiCan Go Fuck Yourself! Part 2

What It Means to Me to be American.

In this day and age of the U.S. we have a  watch is affectionatly called a salad bowl effect when it comes to the people that make up our country, it used to be called the mixing bowl but the idea was that in a salad bowl the ingredients kept their individual charateristic while becoming a salad.  where as a mixing bowl the ingedients lose themselves in the process or at least thats what they want us to all think.  To this is say this a dumbass idea that im frankly sick of.  When I look around at people on the street I don't see people as Mexican-Americans. African-Americans, Polish....and etc, I see Americans.  And to clarify if you were born here and hold your citizenship here then you are American, just cause your grandpa's grandpa was mexican does not make you a Mexican-American.   It makes you a American of Mexican decent, and the same with all the rest.  The only way I could allow the term is if you hold dual citizenship, cause even the immigrants that become Citizens, they are Americans.

        Now lets get one thing straight, im not try to promote the Americans are superior additude, cause anyone who knows me knows I think that America has more flaws them most countries these days,  what im saying is that we should not focus on this bullshit of finding ways that we are different.  Be proud of where you came from but dont forget who you are and if ya dont like it go back to where your family came from cause your family came here cause they wanted to be part of something bigger they wanted you to be American.  Now remember im not saying don't be proud of your heritage, but dont let it overshadow who you are today.

Now onto a hotbutton issue: FLAGS everyone has a flag, countries, groups, companies, states, and so on.  Everybody has a bloody flag, and one contreversy is the flying of other nations flags above the American flag. Now I hate the concept really of flags and I really really hate the Pledge of Alegence, but the American flag is a symbol of our nation and to fly a flag of another nation above it or without it just chaps my ass.  Also when I saw those Americans marching with the Illegal Aliens walking around holding up Mexican flags it just confused me. If your American be American, If you wanna support Mexico become a Mexican Citizen.  Cause it makes no sense to wanna live in American and enjoy all we have here but when it comes to your pride you wave an other nations flag it makes no sense it just hold all of us back.

        Now on to the next issue about being American that no ones seems wanna back and that is A NATIONAL LANGUAGE.  Why can we just say the national language is english, why is it so hard, it doesnt mean you have to speak it but c'mon it would set a standard like every other country practically.  I think its just rude that some immigrants dont atleast try to learn english.  Its like saying i dont respect you enough to learn your language enven though a majority of you speak it.  If i was moving to another country you'd be damn sure I would learn their language,  cause what am i gonna do show up and say "Oh no fuck all you assholes im not gonna change, your the ones who have to bow to my needs."  see how rude that sounds and that what some of these people are asking us to do. again this just makes us focus on how different they are, and  if I can't understand what your saying, then i will never understand who you are.

I just dont understand why a set of people so hell bent on bluring the lines between race color and creed would want me to look at them and see how they are different when they are not, we are all Americans. If we can get passed that then maybe we can move foward as Americans. Also then we can focus on finding the global community and making it a whole but that is another issuse for a later date.

Now im not gonna lay into the asswipe racists that promote this kinda stuff, cause all they want us to do it focus on our diffrences,  see how your playing into their game, but cause if I do then i have to touch on all of racism which deserves its own blog.

So to me being American is exactly that, when someone ask you what you are say im an American then you can get into where your family came from.  So with all its flaws I love living in America I may not agree with our international policies and such but I wouldn't wanna live anywhere else.

I think that we need to stop focusing on what went into this recipe but what were gonna make of it.
