Saturday, September 1, 2007

Vick It To The Man! Mike

So I have been meaning to blog on this earlier but its been heck at work.  So as some of you may heard Michael Vick the  Quarterback for the Atlanta Falcons was charged and made a plea deal on dogfighting charges. Dogfighting has got to one of the top ten most despicable things you can do, right next to swerving to hit animals on the side of the road.

Now the debate is should the NFL kick Vick out of the NFL to me I say suspend him for a really long time but if some team wants to take his ass then fine but don't expect me to supporting that team.  The new thing is ask celebs what they think while they're out on the street if Vick should be out most celebs give a confused look and run away or say no.  One celeb has come out in defense of Mr Vick horrible acts that man is Jamie Foxx stating that Vick is just a brother, and he didn't know that it was illegal to fight dogs cause it something people like them saw as a kid(like that makes it ok) and suggested that Vick hadn't read his guide to being a black star, and lastly saying people kill other all the time and don't get time.  Well while this is true  it don't make it right they should all get time people that kill animal and humans. Also what the fuck has being black gotta do with anything. if you hurt animals i don't care what you are you should do time. 

To suggest that culture is a valid reason for doing this to a animal is ridiculous , that like saying honor killings are ok cause its a culture thing. its just ignorant and far as im concerned he's getting off light, he may do a little as 6 months jail time what a load.
The NFL has already suspended Vick indefinitey but it doesn't stop the debate on if its the right thing to do some say Michael Vick is a talent and it would be a waste of it to not let him play, to this i say so what he knew what he had and he squandered it away at the expense and pain of animals.  He dug himself this grave so he might as well lie down in it and take what coming to him: like a new employer