Friday, August 31, 2007

Larry Craig says he IdaNo Gay!!!

***BLOGNEWS*** So here I sit outside the state fair coming to you with my latest blog from my new laptop, thats right i'm mobile now so beware more blogs more often are coming down the pipe, Also I got a blog email address so feel free to send me messages and thing you would like to see me blog on or if you want me to check out your blog cause if I like it i'll give you props here. Anyways thanks to you all who come read my blogs I really apperciate it.***

So Idaho Senator Larry Craig  resign today under what has got to be one of the biggest crocks of shit I have ever heard of. FOR TAPPING HIS RIGHT FOOT, that and also apparently being some kind of closet homosexual.

So back in June Senator Craig was frequenting a Minnesota airport bathroom in which a undercover cop was also in trying to bust people having sex in public. At this point what happen has been debated and retold and changed.  The jist of what happen from what i've read was Craig entered his stall and took a wide stance in his stall and may have bump the shoe of the cop next to him he then waved under the partition 2 times and then tapped his right foot. and that is where it went horrible wrong cause you see tapping your right foot in a bathroom is a signal to other you wanna have sex.  Shit I've been  taping my foot at Amara all this week and all I get is looks of confusion. So at this point Craig apparently flash his id that he was a senator  under the partition and then the cop flashed his badge and pointed to the door. Senator Craig was charged with lewd conduct which he pled guilty to.  Ok so why he pled guilty is debateble, he says he was just trying to avoid a scandal. he may have known what he was doing  and admiting guilt was his way of coming out of the closet is a subconsious kinda way.

So fast foward to August The Idaho Statesman run the story of the bathroom arrest and then the whole fucking capitol lost its goddamn mind.  People starting immeditly call for Senator Craig to resign, Larry started to deny he was gay, media outlets took this new story and ran with it cause what could be juicer then a sex scandal then a Gay sex scandal. So here we are end of the week and now Idaho has lost one of its senators pressured out by his own party and the real reason why because he might be gay and as we all know hardcore republicans treat gays like they have some diesese that can be transmitted to them just by mearly being freinds with a gay.

When the fuck are people gonna  grow up who give to shits if the mans gay and to boot to be arrested for what he did is stupid as all hell could have eaisly been a honest mistake or not but atleast wait till ask to suck your dick or suck his before saying that he was solicting sex. And really he a U.S. Senator do you really think picks up random ass in a public restroom hell no he pays for it and has it brought to him. Its sad to see a man brought down just cause he may be gay and might have meant he wanted to have sex when he tap his foot.  OR! He was haveing a good day he accdenlty touch some guys foot then wavied under the stall to let him know no harm and then showed his id just to let him know who he was and he just so happen to start tapping his foot out of nervousnes for embarrasing himself in the mens room. 

So whats done is done, he resigned, its bullshit, but i guess we all better just watch the toe tapping while takeing a dump and we may be accuesed of being gay, like its something bad to be anyways.  By the way if you are gay get to Iowa quick  and get married before the man takes it away again.

Much love, TINK.