Saturday, September 29, 2007

AmeriCan Go Fuck Yourself! Part 1.

   So I'm reading the news and I read about a Dishwasher who had fifty-nine thousand dollars confiscated while trying to leave the country, because he forgot to declare it.  The man is Pedro Zapeta an illegal immigrant who live here in the United States and saved the money working as a dishwasher for 11 years.  Customs has seized the money and refuse to give it back and INS is going to deport him.   This is actually a story that started last year and when people heard it they raised ten thousand dollars to give to him.  Mr. Zapeta has hired attorneys and is suing for his money back. 

        So there's the setup now what I think about the whole thing. FUCK HIM, he can go back to Guatemala feeling lucky we don't throw his ass in jail.  This piece of shit thinks he can walk into this country and work without any visa or even start the citizenship process and steal a legal citizens wages and walk away with it. Also by his own admission he never paid a dime of taxes on it, well course not asshole your illegal.  The only way you could have paid taxes is if you committed identity fraud cause the IRS usually asks for things like a social security number, something an illegal alien wouldn't have, and these people who raised money for him have gotta be some of the dumbest fucks I've seen.  Would you help raise money for a man who stole money from a bank because the cops wouldn't let him keep it and you felt sorry for him.  He can't keep the money his mere existence in this country was an illegal act so he can't keep money that was earned in the commission of a crime and to mention again,HE NEVER PAID TAXES!!!.  In the whole time I've had to filed taxes I ended up owing every time except once, and this piece of shit wants to walk away with illegally earned money. Fuck that he can pay my taxes.

        I'm so sick of these illegal immigrants, there is a process to becoming American and there is a reason for it.  Why? cause being American is a privilege.  Some get born into yes, its kinda like our parents sponsor us, we get in on there ticket, yet with citizenship we get responsibility.  We must attend school, we must obey the law, we must sign up for selective service(technically we don't but try doing anything if you don't), Lastly we breath, live and die for this country and if you wanna just walk in here and become American you better be willing to sacrifice as we and those before us did.

        Yet did this man who is whining about being treated like criminal and claims he is just a working man try?, did he ever try to become a citizen?, no, did he ever try to participate in the American experience?, NO.  He tried to take his money and run back to Guatemala  Also we even offered to let him take the money that was raised for him plus ten thousand of the money he earned and he turn it down stating he wants it all.  To that I say beggars can't be choosers.  I mean he and the rest of the illegal pieces of shit our lucky we don't throw there ass in prison and throw away the key, or yet start shooting them as they try to cross.

        Now some will argue they are just trying to earn money for their families and that they just want to survive.  Great so whats so wrong with starting the process of becoming a citizen, or at least getting a workers visa. Is it so hard for us to ask you do that so at the end of the day when we add it all up we don't have to account for this estimate amount of ghost people that shouldn't exist taking up space in our job force, and also wonder why the in's don't match the outs at tax time.

        There is the famous argument, Well we are all just immigrants to this country.  True, but in every county lifespan there has been a time of open immigration, but eventually it must be slowed and moderated hell even back then we at least took down names and where from's. 

        It because they are criminals they want to steal from the cookie jar while Uncle Sam ain't looking.  Same with these employers who hire them, either desperate for workers or just to save a buck, either way they are criminals. I think instead of a little fine they should be have all profits frozen and be forced to sell off their company if found to be deliberately hiring illegal aliens.

So in closing of part one, fuck Illegal aliens you wanna be part of this country? then earn it. And if you are one then go home stop stealing money from us.

Much Love to My American Brothers and Sisters and all Legal Immigrants,

Coming Soon Part 2 of "AmeriCan Go Fuck Yourself!: What it Means to Be American"

PS: Don't worry Part two will be up later today or early tomorrow