Wednesday, November 7, 2007

AmeiCan Go Fuck Yourself! Part 3

Morning Folks, so I woke up this morning and was reading and stumbled along this story about Illegal Aliens getting Drivers Licenses.  I knew that New York had been throw the Idea around but turns out Utah, which is part of my axis of evil, and some other states is handing out something called a driving privelege card to these bastards.   

You see A Driving Privilege card is not an ID or shows proof of residence it merely give these asshole the abilty to drive legally, even though their mere existence in this country is a crime in itself.   Who's fucking idea was this?  Hey you may be in this country Illegally and I should drive you down to INS and have your ass deported but here's a card to let you drive. So in the story of this hotel worker who is taking his drivers test, and he says in the interview that if he has the right to buy a car and be part of this society  then he shoudl be able to drive it.  What a load of shit! You are not part of this society dumbass and since you not American you have no rights.  If i had my way then the only right you'd have is the right to a ass beating and a ticket back to where your from.

And the blame just isn't on the Aliens its on this fucking ass state government.  Who the hell does Utah think it is underminding Immigrations laws. One worker said that if an Illegal makes it a thousand milles inland then his only concern then is public saftey and that its the federal goverments job not theirs.  What about your duty as an American pal, I think any state's DMV that hands out these card to Illegal aliens should be arrested on aiding and abeddinga fugitive and they should go to house of anyone who comes and gets these cards and kick down there door and send their ass back from where they came from.

This kind of treatment of Aliens that Utah and other states are showing is just giveing in, its just asking for more of there stinking asses to come here and steal our jobs and  tax money. And I know they are gonna say its for the publics saftey blah blah blah do you really think if a alien fails the test he won't drive, hell no they are doing it anyways right now.   So why would they give a shit.  So next time you get in a accident and you go to exchange info with the other driver, it just may be an Illegal alien with no insurance, but with a valid card to drive, and you can thank you state goverment and make sure to send them the bill.