Tuesday, April 1, 2008

I Love Dirty Movies!!! Fuck Clean-Flicks!

Something I was glad to be rid of was the practice of "Cleaning" movies which is when some wussy prick takes a movie that someone spent alot of time and money on to make just right and then removes anything they think offensive or "Not Family Friendly".  While the actual company CleanFlicks has actually stop this practice of violating copyright laws and butchering movies for the delight of pansies everywhere. Many local places have kept the practice and should be stopped. 

To mention the whole idea of a clean flick is to remove images and words that are evil to say is kind of stupid.  If you remove the image of a man getting his lower intestine removed from a scene in a movie just so said asswipe can bare to watch it.  It still doesn't change the fact you are still watching someone get killed, your thinking it, imagine the blood and gore.  The same with swears bleep bloops , crap and crudes your still thinking FUCK SHIT MOTHERFUCKER AND CUNT. MUGGLE FUCKIN TROLL SHIT!!  Anyways its an excuse for people to feel better about breaking the rules.  Example again if you close your eyes during a sex scene does this remove the responsibility to those who feel watching such a scene to be a sin. To this I say no, if you watch the movie whether you watch the bad scenes or not you still support the movie in a whole, the scene was still there even if you chose to ignore it.

Then there is the question of who the fuck do you think you are? you book burning Nazi.  Censorship of a rental movie is illegal, we censor tv mainly cause its a public forum and tv station need sponsors to make money and sponsor don’t like to support channels that hold nothing back, fucking wusses.  but to censor a movie it no different then  removing books you don't agree with from libraries if chose to read it then deal with it, don't pick and chose what you want to read about it. 

And how can you enjoy a film without every scene it was made with each detail to be scene and heard to change that change the meaning and context of the film which makes it a big waste of time.

If you like clean flicks grow some balls watch the real film or don't bother cause obviously your not mature enough to deal with what your watching and should just stick to you local channel for entertainment bitches!.