Friday, July 21, 2006

God gave us religion, and the Devil said let me organize it for ya.

Two blogs in one day, say isnt so... So my blog today is on a very touchy subject "Religion" y blog about it, cause you just gotta, nothing carries a stronger opion in ppl then religion. The same is for me. Mines is get rid of them all! and just have one rule "Be good to yourself and others" now not to say im perfect cause im not by far. I can be mean, vengfull, rude, crude, perverted, and a long list of other offenses againts others and myself, but I have a goal to better myself and treat others equally. I think where we went wrong is turning to ideas of god from others to find our own. All you need to know is God exist and he loves you, from there you must find out the rest dont let books(even the bible), tv, historians, or anyone tell you what god is or isnt, or what god likes and doesnt like.

Now see I believe god appears in many forms and for sake of it i refer to him in a male form cause the word god is a male word, Now because god is everything and nothing, he has no color and no sex. but he has a nature to him, god is both female and male and thats why I worship the goddess and the god, The God represents all that is earthly and material to me and the goddess all that is spritual and not of this plane. The god is the tree the goddess is the spirt within the tree. Now on the subject of Jesus, I believe he existed on this earth, and such follwed the nature of this earth he was of color, more then likely olived skined, and he was what we should live to attain a balance of spirit and mind. Now on the subject of hell and heaven, I unlike some Wiccans beleieve in hell and heaven and the devil. because I believe to have a pure god and not have a counter to him would throw off the balance of the universe.Wether the stories of lucifer and his minions of evil are true, i dont know, all i know someone has to pull the strings on the evill side of things, Now dont get me wrong i dont buy into this battle between good and evil, I believe the god and devil work together to test us to see what paths we will go down, and it is not bring us down or punish us but as part of the plan that is laid for us. In that I dont beileve God every gives us more then we can handle, So i try never to blame god or the devil for anything. I know if a challenge arises in my life God knows that i can succed it just up to me to find the way.

Disclaimer: this story I am about to tell i have told to many mormons and the usaul reponse i get as that i must have been in a bad ward, which may be true, cuase i have many close mormon friends, its just myself like many seem to have had simlar situation and complaints, but i in no means mean to inculde every single mormom into this one group that would be ignorant.

Now on the subject of hate. I do have some religions i do not agree with and at some points hate them. There are some religons, one inperticular that i hate, not that i hate the members of that church i just strorgly disagree with the belief of it and hate what it make some of its members. The LDS church is the one i refer to. Now dont get me wrong all religion have their faults no one is immune to the things that have brought me to disagree with the LDS church. But and this is the reason I most disagree with it is the view on the family structure and kids. Males in charge, females are not, and you cant have sex unless it is to concieve. And so proceeds alot of LDS familys breed themselves into poverty. Now I have ran into alot of LDS that do tweek on this alot, but the experice i got im my 5 years as a Mormon was just like that. I saw families way to huge to support themselve , quick marriges followed soon by divorce I sat in preisthood meeting where male superiorty was talk about, how only a male can hold the preisthood(In short the power of gods will). What was the last straw for me and my family was that at a time of need we asked the church for help and got a horribel response. you see my brother has epilepsy and a mild handicap and at the time we were getting goverment aid to pay for his medicine, the medicine had made such an inprovment in is abilties when it came time to reevaluate him for goverment aid he was no longer considered handicpped and lost the money we needed to buy his medicine. So we asked the church 4 help cause even with my dad working overtime and my mom working a full time job and me babysiting we could not afford the medicine my brother needed. The church told us that my dad had to stop working sundays, my mother had to quit her job and find her true place which was in the home, and my dad who had long hair and a earing had to remove both his hair and the earing, be fore they would give us any help. This was a shock to me we had been dedicated to this church for 5 years at the time. every sunday we were there my mom and dad had been cub scount leaders, i was in mutal, had collected money on fast sunday, handed out sacrament, done work with the church in my comunity, and within my whole family we had tired to be closer to god in this world and the next oh and i had parcitpate in babtisims for the dead and my dad had babtised my brother and did serveal blessng on me as i had gone up in the priesthood. but yet that was not the important part aperntly a woman wo works and a man with long hair and a earring can not be helped no matter how good a mormon they are. There were other things that happen also that turned me away fromt he religon and caused me to hate some members, such as having me specifly invite my non-member friends to come to a mutal party and turning the whole thing into a "if your not a mormon your going to hell" ( If your mormom you might be familer with the activty i speak of the one where you come to the party and they act as part of the party that your on your way to hawaii on a plane and the plane crashes and you die with all your sins and then have to go from room to room hearing from actors on the diffent levels of the after life and why only perfect mormons get to meet jesus and god and other live in sickness) then after that they tell me the next sunday that i should not hang out with nonmembers cause there beliefs were evil and god would punish them and me for it.

It was things like that, that turned me away. which just bring me back to my point I looked for and idea of what god was from the LDS church and almost ruined my belief in him. I have now found my own belief , whether it is wrong or right it mines no one can corrupt it I will live out my days according to what i believe to be right and come what may, hevean or hell

Im sorry if offend any of you I hope you accept my views as my own as i accept yours