Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Can You Ban a Person 2:Ann Coulter is a Faggot!!

Ok maybe not but she get to say about people she really doesn't know and some people think its funny. So for the last 5 years or so I keep catching this very odd looking woman on tv. She has been appearing on all the news channels and alot of the times she speak people begin to look uncomfortable, kinda like that look people have when their senile grandma start ranting in the store about crazy shit and they hurriedly rush them out claiming they forgot to take their pills that morning and they didn't mean what they said about niggers/woman/jews/etc. But Ann Coulter has seemed to have made a carrer lately of this. Maybe for some shock ratings or maybe she is BATSHIT CRAZY!!! Either way if you have heard of the wonderful Ann Coulter then well let me fill you in.

Ann is a Conservative columnist and political commentator who has a habit of speaking her mind( mainly against liberals/democrats and anyone she sees fit to bash or offend). Her most recent offense to date was call Jon Edwards a faggot. Which is a favorite for Ann she had before in a interview called former President Bill Clinton gay. Why well she explained on Hannity & Colmes on March 5th, Ann said that her use of the word "faggot" was a "taunt" and further expounded that [the word] "faggot isn't offensive to gays; it has nothing to do with gays. Wow just wow, that just ask any American what the word faggot mean to them and I bet ya they say a gay man. Then in response to her use of the word advertisers started pulling ads from her website. so on June 25, 2007 she appeared on Good Morning America, and said that she had "learned my lesson" and that "If I'm gonna say anything about John Edwards in the future, I'll just wish he had been killed in a terrorist assassination plot". HOLY FUCK!! I don't care how much you don't like a person you don't wish death on them, Its something I try not to do but it comes out in passing but you would never catch me being serious like that on tv, its just common sense. You don like John Edwards fine say that and then leave it at that. Now some will say people call Ann names like cunt or bitch on tv all the time, while I have to agree with them they look like idiots say it on tv. Attack her lack of poise and professionalism, she has given us enough evidence to write a book on her fuck ups in the world of journalism. but you know I would expect a woman of suck high education to take a higher road then that but no she is satisfied to shoot from the hip on what she thinks is true, for example during an interview about on Canadian TV on a show call the Fifth Estate she claimed Canada sent troops into Vietnam, they never did she pulled from her ass probably and then claimed that Canadian troops had volunteered for the American army was what she was talking about. yea right. Then don't ask me why she made this an issue but she claimed that the New York Times wait 2 days to cover the death of Dale Earndhart Sr.when in fact they had covered it the day of , the next day and the day after that. to this err Ann said "In my three best-selling books — making the case for a president's impeachment, accusing liberals of systematic lying and propagandizing, arguing that Joe McCarthy was a great American patriot, and detailing 50 years of treachery by the Democratic Party — this is the only vaguely substantive error " wow if write a bunch of books then telling a outright lie is ok once and a while. Last what i think is her biggest offense to date , the attacking of the 911 widows. She went on to say about the women who had lost husbands in the terrorist attacks and had also been very critical of the Bush administration even after receiving monetary awards for there loss These broads are millionaires, lionized on TV and in articles about them, reveling in their status as celebrities and stalked by grief-arazzi. These self-obsessed women seemed genuinely unaware that 9/11 was an attack on our nation and acted as if the terrorist attacks happened only to them. ... I've never seen people enjoying their husbands' deaths so much ... the Democrat ratpack gals endorsed John Kerry for president ... cutting campaign commercials... how do we know their husbands weren't planning to divorce these harpies? Now that their shelf life is dwindling, they'd better hurry up and appear in Playboy." (the playboy statement was in reference to Palua Jones who after settling with Bill Clinton went on to pose in Playboy and as Ann said "Paula surely was given more than a million dollars in free legal assistance from an array of legal talent she will never again encounter in her life, much less have busily working on her behalf. Some of those lawyers never asked for or received a dime for hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal work performed at great professional, financial and personal cost to themselves. Others got partial payments out of the settlement. But at least they got her reputation back. And now she's thrown it away") so back to the widows so what Ann is say is that these women are using status to become celebrities and that they are being self center. What the fuck. Guess what anyone and i mean anyone who lost someone in 911 has a right to stand on tv and state their opinion on what they think happen and what the President should do about it. cause while as an American I felt attacked for them they lost something that time wont heal, there spouse is not gonna come home no matter how long they wait, so if they think something stink about they should have the right to say so. Also to add had they been praising Bush I'm sure Ann would have been the first to lend a shoulder to cry on to her republican sisters.

So it boils down to a woman who is highly edcuated experienced woman, who should be the goto for the intelligent conservative opinion and view, has turn herself into the woman they bring on when they wanna get some shock ratings. they bring her on just to see what crazy shit she will say next, and that pisses me off cause instead getting to hear from a actual intelligent person I gotta hear from this dumb, ignorant, bitch who has no respect for half the Americans in this country and the only thing she can say to defend her view when she get on tv is that some is a faggot or they have to die. way to go Ann your a shineing example that conservative arent right wing nutjobs..... oh wait your not.

source can be found at
also I apoligize about the font cant make bigger or it hashes my paragraphs.