Saturday, April 19, 2008

Dude Looks Like A Lady!

So big story of the week is this so called pregnant man. Its in People Magazine and it was on Oprah. So if you hadn't heard about this Im sure your freaking out this. Well don't cause its not true kinda. The person in question is Thomas Beatie who if you haven't already guessed use to be a woman, Ta Dah. Wow now don't you feel silly getting all worked up about it. This is quite on honestly one of the stupidest and falsest stories mainstream media has picked up on since WMD’s in Iraq.

I guess if your one of those people that believe that gender is within not without and gender is the only thing that matters. then yes Thomas is a man and yes he is pregnant but his sex is still female. If I were to go through hormone therapy gets some boobs and grow out my hair but kept my penis could i really claim I was a woman that could piss standing up. The answer is hell no, I would still be a man/the Ugliest woman I have ever seen. Now if i had my penis removed and completed the same feet then I believe that yes i could make such a claim. So as soon as Thomas grows a penis and has his female organs remove and then gets pregnant then he can claim he is a pregnant man.

These people are just plain retarded to even brag about a story like this, that is to say that it may be some medical miracle. But it does bring up the issue of Sex and Gender, Transgender and Transexual. Are they same thing? Take for example if a Transgender man(a man who has been transformed into a woman ) is arrested and he needs to be strip search who does it a man or a woman. Does it matter if he still has his penis or if he had it lopped off and is now a transexual. They are a person so how can we prevent abuse in this situation cause is the man gay or is he straght. Then in the work place how do we deal with that to avoid uncomfortable situation? How can we define what they so we can begin to accept them.

I dont really think there is some kind of set method but, myself being a straight man with what some would call transgender tendences( I paint my nails and I like lipstick and eye liner and identify more with women then I do with men) I can only say that while for the sake of social status we should treat people as what they appear to be boobs= woman, no boobs = man, as for science and treatment in the police example above then it is a matter of sex, penis = man, vagina = woman and that matters even for those people who weren't born that way.

Now while I do think that Tom and his spouse, who is a woman, are being stupid on bringing this out as a pregnant man story and same goes for the media for spinning it that way. I still applaud them on bringing such an issue to the front and that may be we can all look passed what our eyes see, and what we perceive as the norm. Hopefully it can save a transgender child from abuse from their peers and or family.