Recently in Portland Oregon a letter was sent out to the parents of Lincoln High student in reference to the upcoming prom. It stated that parents should open there doors to after prom parties and provided alcohol in a bid to prevent the student from havening to break the law to get their own liquor and give instructions on how much liquor it would take for the amount of students and then makes a bragging remark to the amount of drink that goes on at Lincoln. It then goes on to promote the use of condoms for safe sex and the letter actually contained 2 condoms.
Now if you believe this letter was a real letter sent by the administration then your an idiot. This is obviously a prank pulled by Lincoln students or some rival school. Yet some parents are up in arms about this letter calling it inappropriate and offensive. I think there mad that they fell for it or just that it just confirms their worries that the students might get a chance to drink and have sex. These people need to calm down.
Its a joke first off these people I'm sure they had no intention or belief that anyone would be dumb enough to fall for this and believe it was a actual letter from the school. Secondly the bit about the condoms was actually a good bit of advice and trust me if my son is gonna have sex at his prom he better have a condom on cause I don't want no prom-made babies. Hell I bet it was the first time some of these idiot parent had even given thought to what there children would be doing after prom that night. I love it when parents get one upped, cause as we all know are parent love to pretend that they are in complete control of there little universe and nothing goes down without their say so. So for someone to throw it in their face that they can't control everything and sometimes it better they shouldn't.
Granted I think prom night is the worst night to do any drinking so as adiv

So Parents of Lincoln High and parents of all high schoolers out there chill and don't get all in a fuss. That is the wrong thing to

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