So Amara said to me a little while back that I hadn't done a all about my life blog and I really havent been in the mood. But she is right like she is most of the time. I just thought Id kinda give ya run down for anyone who cares. So things right now are hecktic with physical therapy and doctors and the holidays. Its all be a whirlwind. I couldnt do it without Amara, I mean if I didn't have her Id be stuck, she cooks, cleans, shops, drive she does all the heavy lifting and she changes almost all of the dirty diapers and all while looking freaking hot plus she has more patience when it comes to me then my own mother and for those who know me that is saying something she is truely the love of my life and my soulmate. As far as things with Darrell it couldn't be better. I know all parents say this but my kid is so damn cute and smart as hell. He is only 16 months yet he is doing all the things a 2 year old should. Its just so cool to talk to him and have him understand. You tell him to go grab something and bring it to ya or tell him to get ready for bed and he at least tries to. Also he still is a dream to get to bed, which no reason to curse me I know it will all catch up with me on the sleeping. As far as friends go all is well. Family is differnt note as far as my side now im not gonna go into that cause it is way to personal. There gonna be 2 weddings in June I'll be attending I even get to be the best man at one of them Im really stoked about that , the other though well hmmm the jury is still out on that one, sorry fire Overall I feel drain and little powerless due to my injury but I have a calm that I didnt before all this. I just wanna thank all you guys for giving me an outlet to speak. Merry Yule to you all TINK
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
PhotoShopping for Cover Girls: SIZE 2
OK OK I've got an ax to grind or more like resharpen cause this is an issue I've kinda covered before. Why is any real woman who makes the limelight riddiculed for their looks and why oh why must insist on photoshopping the hell out of them in magazines so that they are unreconizable.
The most recent case as some of you have heard of dumbasses attacking a real woman is Jennifer Lover Hewitt who as been the target of mockery for being spotted with what some people are calling a fat ass. To this I say really what is fat about her. Fat should mean a person who is of such a size that it is unhealthy and it shouldn't be a term of mockery its condition brouught on by lack self control when eating or genetics, I know cause im fat. I mean take a look at Mrs Hewitt here is she really fat?.
On the left and in the middle is the pictures that have cause all the trouble and on the end is a picture taken a week or so after the first two. Seriously in all of these pictures she looks great. Granted she ain't dolled up at the beach but a woman that puts on make up before going in the water is no woman I wanna be with. Jennifer is just to real for these over critical brain washed assholes that think that you can't have an ounce of body fat or any flaws at all or your just not worthy of being seen. I mean honsetly which of these two women below do you prefer.
If you said the anorexic chick then you have issues and your adding to metal warping of young women,
So as we know no one is perfect and Hollywood knows it too. Yet here come the computer age to save the day. For many years now magazine have been useing computers to edit photos of models. Things like removing pimples, scars, blotchy skin, bad lighting and etc. Yet a trend has popped up in recent year of complety altering the physical look of the model or celebrity. Here are some examples.
Here is a photo of America Ferrera, the sexy as hell star of Ugly Betty. taken around the same time. Now notice that her hips and arms a slimmer from one photo to another. This was just a slight alteration but was it really needed? I mean she is a fatastic beauty without any work why must we soil natural beauty with editing. Yet here some examples of takeing this editing futher.
Ashlee Simpson on the left is pre-plastic surgery, bottom right is post-surgery, and top right is a shot from Complete Woman magazine.
Stacy "Fergie" "Ferguson on the left is her recent cover of Blender magazine and the right is a recent photo.
Now tell me that those magazine pictures looking anything like the actual person or for a matter of fact a living person and you would be a fucking liar. I mean they looks so fake it makes me sick literally. I cannot stand to look at these magazine pictures so scroll down so we can't see them. I mean Ashlee Simpson was a punk hottie to me and then she goes and has this surgery now she looks like a valley girl and then she gets photoshopped to look like a living doll and of magazine to do it in then a magazine called Complete Woman, bet it says complete with battries inculded cause these women are toys. Fergie on the other hand I really don't find much sexual appeal in her but still why if they wanted her on the cover so badly did they feel the need not to put a real pictures of her up. Don't they stop to think about the untold damage they are doing by distorting the image perception of youg people especially girls
I know this cause I was one of these people but I didn't take it out on myself. I took it out on others. Anyone I thought didn't look perfect or dress perfect and it was all just cause I didn't fit in either but I felt if I pointed out other peoples flaws they wouldn't notice mine. I mean how fucked up is that and to see now how plastic surgery has become so main stream and people are afraid to age. We got Hollywood cramming it down our throats like drugs that we gotta be perfect. For example take a look at this Dove ad you may have saw bringing to light the altered perception we have of beauty.
Wow just ad 2 inches in neck why don't we and thin out the checks. Now Im not saying that you have to be large either im not call out for people to gain wieght if they are skinny either. What im saying is be healthy, be you, and if someone don't like your pimples, ass, hair, clothes, or whatever then just take comfort in the fact that they only reason they are pointing it out is beacause they are an unsecure prick or bitch who needs to come to terms about how they feel about themselves and realize they are fine they way they look too.
Posted by MIke VanderSys at 3:24 PM 0 comments
Sunday, December 9, 2007
I Gotta Hit the CANdidates
Were a less then a year from electing a new president, thank god. Problem is now which asshole or spinless bastard to choose. Every election I usally have one candidate in mind by this time but this time I cant seem to come down to one so what I thought I do is go through the one I think have a chance and list the pro and mainly the cons cause presidential candidates never have many pros. alos maybe you guys can give me some feedback on what you think about these candidates.
Democrates (list in order of who i think has the best chances)
1.Barack Obama
Pros:The man got a good spine he doesn't seem like he would fold on the issues as often as most would have you seem. Also when he talks he seems genuine. I can usally smell bullshit and most of what he says doesn't come across as that.
Cons: He is purposley playing the race card. He wants me to vote for him cause he would be the first black president. He even got the queen of blacks Oprah to back him. He is pimp her out for votes and i don't like that. He black so what that should be a reason to vote for him.
2.Hillary Rodham Clinton
Pros: Has more spine and bigger balls then any other Democratic candidate, plus she have Bill at her side to help back her and he has experience to give. It's like getting two presidents for the price of one. She is also ruthless she has that maneater additude, she seems like a lady not to fuck with.
Cons: While she fights for issues she stands for, if it aint on her agenda she won't take any stance on it. Plus that ruthlessness that is such a pro can also be a con. Cause what whould she be willing to do to the American public just to get what she wants.
3.John Edwards
Pros: None that make him stand out other then he seems like a nice guy
Cons: Spineless, seems to flip-flops on issues
Now IM gonna take a different approach with the republicans cause they all seem to have the same pros and cons, but my top runners are 1. Rudy, 2.Fred Thompson, 3. Ron Paul
Pros: They all have good spine they don't seem like trhey would back down from a fight. They don't flip flop very often. Also most seem to genuine or at least commited in their statments.
Cons: Almost all of them are anti-abortion expect Giuliani.and also most are anti-gay rights now dont get me wrong im pro- gay right for them to have the same rights as us not any of that hate crime crap. Lastly they come across as willing to do whatever it takes even lieing to Americans to get the job done.
Now where I stand.
Pro-abortion(even though I think its a horrible act)
Pro-gay rights
Pro-eviroment control
Pro-seperation of Church and state*
Anti-big goverment
Anti-illegal immigrants
*Mainly this eliminatea Mitt Romney who is a dick for suggesting that freedom needa religion. which is to imply that atheist don't like freedom. This assholes says he will tolerate other relgions if elected to that I say my relgion is none of your concern and anyways Mormons belive they are the one true church and its their duty to convert others. So how can I trust this ass not to get all preachy without comprimiseing his faith. I just don't trust him like most Mormons.(TO ALL MORMONS ON MY FRIENDS LIST IF YOUR ON IT I DON'T MEAN YOU CAUSE IF I DIDN'T TRUST YOU I WOULDN'T HAVE YOU ON MY LIST)
Overall it gonna be another year where im picking the lesser of two evils. I know there are good candidate out there that have no chance of making it like Gravel he got a good idea and he is passionate but as always he don't have enough buddies in the right places and he is to honest to have a good shot. It seems we are doomed to pick people we know we can't fully trust because we know voteing for anyone else would be throwing our vote away.
So tell me folks who should I vote for and why and if you see something wrong about a candidate I've listed then make a comment I want to here from you guys.
Posted by MIke VanderSys at 3:23 PM 0 comments
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Have a Merry X-mas or Yule Be Sorry
Hey all been takeing it easy I got another month off work and then I should be back to work. Otherwise I havent been on much cuase of the holiday's and some close friends just had a baby if ya wanna see him he cute as hell just go to and click on the Alixzander Boyd Croft section. So anyways I've been taking it in this holiday season cause I will probally not have this much time off again until I retire and i'm really enjoying myself. Yet the same old holiday annoyances have reared their head along with some new ones.
First would it kill the stores to wait till mid November to put up x-mas stuff. Why o why must I see it right after Halloween. I any of you are buy decorations that early you shoudl be beaten like a naughty child. Then there is the music. I love alot of X-mas music, not much of the kids stuff though, but store just can't wait to try to put us in the mood to shop. It's like they are trying to trick us into think that its already December and we only have 3 weeks to shop. WAKE UP PEOPLE ITS JUST BARELY DECEMBER!!!. So by the time Christmas/Yule comes round I'm so sick I could spit fire.
Second is that store have diverted from saying "Merry Christmas" and have chosen to say "Happy Holidays" as they say that Christmas is mainly a Christian holiday. While that is true Christmas in this day for me has gone beyond religion and has taking on a meaning for me that means love and peace of all. If you say soemone has the Christmas Spirt I take it as they have a the spirit of giving, family and love. Why must we turn it into another religion battle we have plenty of time during the rest of the year to argue that why can we spend at least this month loving each other and make up for all the horrible shit we're going to say and do to each other this next year.
Nest is more personal for me and that is the Christmas Shuffle I like to call it. Which is the run around some people make when they have more then one family to visit on Chistmas because you can't get both familes together. I mean it is impossible to get my inlaws in with my family and since I have a child both sides act like that make me obilgated to spend time with them n xmas and I love to but I hate the fact that I have to figure out how, and it usally means running from on house to another more then spending x-mas eve at my parents and the wifes and decieding who gets more time. Then X-mas morning spend early morning with the inlaws then leave go to my parents and leave after dinner and go back to inlaws for a later x-mas dinner. I mean why, why do I and countless other have to do this. So do what I did tell them they have to deal with only see use everyother year or come up with another plan. and so this year we are gonna spend x-mas eve with my parents and x-mas day with my inlaws I say its fair both get uninterrupted time with us and no running around. So this year make it about you and family not just about the family if you feel rushed then you aint gonna enjoy yourself.
and lastly is some people have turned up there noses to the classic Santa phrase "HO, HO, HO" saying that the word "HO" has a relation to a prostitute and to have a beloved childrens character shouting out the term for hooker would be wrong and instead Santa shoudl say HA HA HA. To anyone who believe this bullshit just stay home please don't come out this Christmas because your what we like to call an Idiot. To imply that Santa is calling to his whores like he is some kind of Noth Pole Pimp is stupid and if anything is a joke for adults and adolescent boys.
So what I'm saying is drop all your negativity people this season and spend time with those that are important to you. Don't let corperate America, picky family, and religion ruin your fun.
HO HO HO, Merry Christmas
Posted by MIke VanderSys at 3:21 PM 0 comments
Friday, November 16, 2007
Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings Chronicles of Beowulf
For anyone who knows me, they know I love movies, especially epic movies such as Star Wars, Lord of the Rings(LOTR), and Pirates of the Caribbean(POTC). I love these movies for their story line and they were made with passion, at least the original Star Wars Trilogy was the new episodes suck. Anyways since Harry Potter and LOTR came out and with the sucess of X-men and Spiderman, Film studios have started makeing movies about any story they can make sequels out of. Taking hardly any time for quality, story, or flow. For exaple Daredevil could have been a great story but lousy quality, chessey lines and Ben Afleck ruined that movie. All the studio was looking to do was make a series of money making films and when Daredevil bomb they took the one good thing of that movie Jennifer Garners character Elektra and ruined it to with a cheesey, poorly done spin-off.
No what got me going on this rant train is the movie Beowulf. I have never read the book, which its actually just one long poem, so I have no idea of the story, but what I can tell you is it is a very important book to some people and i would have to see it raped into some kind of 2 hour mess just for the sake of makeing money and producing trilogies. The only reason some genius producer even thought about Beowulf I bet is that it was well known that J.R.R. Tolkien was a fan of the book. So the studios hope that LOTR fans also read Beowulf and will now want to see it turn into a movie. Lets hope they don't ruin it by change the story or adding action for the sake of making money.
And look at the movies coming out soon, Iron Man, Hitman, Nick Fury and talks of Wolverine and Silver Surfer spin-offs. I am already a little confused on the Iron Man and Nick Fury movies. Iron mans is supposed to be black and he is played by Robert Downey Jr., since when was Iron Man a drug addict, and Nick Fury is supposed to be white, yet Samuel L Jackson is playing him. What the fuck already the movie aint out but its already been raped into something it was not.
And these studios really gotta stop making gmae movies. Since they tried to make Super Mario Bros. into a game they should have known they were doomed(except for Resident Evil).....Oh that brings me to Doom the movie. Doom was one of my favorite games growing up, it was just one of the first gorey and bloody games out there that hit it big. So when they said hey were making a movie out of the game I was like cool. The story of the game, and im sumerizing highly, is that scientists on Mars accidently open a portal to hell, or some Hell-like dimension and you are a exiled soldiers that has to kill them. But in the movie its a virus that turn people into killing demons and a team of marines have to go kill them. What was wrong with the original story. It just pisses me off and now with Hitman, which is another one of my favorite games coming out, I worry they will turn it around into something it is not.
Im not saying that these movies are instant crap, but so far since movie like LOTR and Harry potter ahve cashed in on big money by makeing movie that have on-going story line and lead into multiple sequels the movie studios have began grasping at straws in hope of find the next big story that will capture the audiences. but what they dont relize is that they are tredding on the hallowed ground. These stories they are trying to make into blockbuster movies are childhood memories for most of us, stories that we grew up on. character that we have grown to love, and if they don't take the time and show passion for the story they are gonna keep turning out crap movie after crap movie.
So to everyone I want to hear what story, game, or comic movie you saw and hated and why leave a comment.
P.S. I know I didnt cover all movies bomb like Aeon Flux but that was so many I could have blogged for days. Thats why I want you all to leave a comment, on any thing I missed K love ya all
Posted by MIke VanderSys at 3:20 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Worst Mom Ever! It’s Britney Bitch!
Sorry folks meant to get this out on Sunday but while in Utah I caught a cold. So before we start I got some blog new that I'm proud about my blog has hit 2500 views and that is more then my profile and amazingly thanks to u all im getting over 200 view a week now so I just wanna thank you for the support once again I'm glad you all can enjoy my rambleings.So there has been a few people I have been refusing to blog about for a while. People such as Paris Hilton, anyone from The Hills, Amy Whinehouse and Britney Spears. But week after week, month after month Miss Spears makes me grab my forehead in pain and confusion. How can this person be allowed to care for children? I know we have all seen her her antics over the years with her children, dropping them and not reporting it, driving with her kid on her lap while being chased by the paprazzi and I'll try to list all the shit she has done in the last few years, but I'll start by saying "BITCH BE CRAZY!!!".
Now with the latest new that she failed one of her court order drug test on top of missig 8 out of 12 of them useing a book full of excuses such as missed the call to report adn the latest excuse being that she does't get up early enough cause she is a "Pop Star" with a 1 album, which by the way The Eagles had the 1 album that week is it considered perjury then. This bitch is just horrible person she appartenly ignores her kids according to the courts, runs read lights while text messageing with her kids in the back, drive with a vaild drivers licences and hits someone and runs, Drinks and smokes constantly in the presesence of her children. OH and has shown her cooche so many times there is no need for her to pose nude we all no what it looks like. I mean if this was a non-celebrity they would have lost custody of her kids after the first couple problems. I mean I can't even spank my kid for doing something wrong with out having my kids taken away but she can almost kill her kids and she gets to keep them. But "THE BITCH" has lawyers and and money and fans so I gues the saftey of the children doesn't really matter. I mean she is in such bad shape she make Federline look like father of the year. How the fuck he has no job and two other kids to support and he getting custody of these two he is a tramp. And regardless of all the reason why shouldn't have the kids, she doesnt seem to want them. when she lost her majority custody she had 2 days to hand over the kids. So you would think any mother who loved her kids would spend every waking moment of those two day with her kids, no for "THE BITCH" she handed over the kids within hours and then hit the clubs and got drunk, and when she does have them now she goes and leaves them in the car with the court moniter to go Chandaler shopping, now thats a loving mother. Sorry Honey mommy love you but she loves lighting fixtures more. She is a disgrace to mothers and I'm not surpised that more mother haven't rallied against her. Now taking kids away from a parent is something no one likes to do, but I think in this case we would be doing the kids and THE BITCH a favor. They can be happy living without a crazy coked out mom, and THE BITCH can keep on exploreing into drugs,clubs and tanning cause forget music please god let her quit music. Hopefully I won't have to say more about thsi horrible person but i just had to vent before my brain exploded.Oh yeah and THE BITCH parked in a Handicap spot so she could go get a tan, Sorry grandma you gotta park across the lot cause Miss Spears was looking pale
Posted by MIke VanderSys at 3:20 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
AmeiCan Go Fuck Yourself! Part 3
Morning Folks, so I woke up this morning and was reading and stumbled along this story about Illegal Aliens getting Drivers Licenses. I knew that New York had been throw the Idea around but turns out Utah, which is part of my axis of evil, and some other states is handing out something called a driving privelege card to these bastards.
You see A Driving Privilege card is not an ID or shows proof of residence it merely give these asshole the abilty to drive legally, even though their mere existence in this country is a crime in itself. Who's fucking idea was this? Hey you may be in this country Illegally and I should drive you down to INS and have your ass deported but here's a card to let you drive. So in the story of this hotel worker who is taking his drivers test, and he says in the interview that if he has the right to buy a car and be part of this society then he shoudl be able to drive it. What a load of shit! You are not part of this society dumbass and since you not American you have no rights. If i had my way then the only right you'd have is the right to a ass beating and a ticket back to where your from.
And the blame just isn't on the Aliens its on this fucking ass state government. Who the hell does Utah think it is underminding Immigrations laws. One worker said that if an Illegal makes it a thousand milles inland then his only concern then is public saftey and that its the federal goverments job not theirs. What about your duty as an American pal, I think any state's DMV that hands out these card to Illegal aliens should be arrested on aiding and abeddinga fugitive and they should go to house of anyone who comes and gets these cards and kick down there door and send their ass back from where they came from.
This kind of treatment of Aliens that Utah and other states are showing is just giveing in, its just asking for more of there stinking asses to come here and steal our jobs and tax money. And I know they are gonna say its for the publics saftey blah blah blah do you really think if a alien fails the test he won't drive, hell no they are doing it anyways right now. So why would they give a shit. So next time you get in a accident and you go to exchange info with the other driver, it just may be an Illegal alien with no insurance, but with a valid card to drive, and you can thank you state goverment and make sure to send them the bill.
Posted by MIke VanderSys at 3:19 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Dog the Bounty Hunter is my Nigger.
Ah so I love when I'm working on a blog and boom a story comes down related to what im doing and I have to stop and talk about it before moving foward. So here it goes.
One of my Heros and favorite tv stars is Duane "DOG" Chapman. He has a show on A&E called "Dog the Bounty Hunter". I've read his book and this man has been to the edge and back. Drugs, sex, prison, god, vacums,kids, wives and bounty hunting. This man has turned his life around in a way the deserve reconigtion.
Yet today a recorded call of Dog useing the word "Nigger". In the Call Dog was speaking to his son Tucker advising him he could not work for him if he was dating a black girl not because she was black though but from what i took from the call 1. she had some character issue mainly it sounded like she had been threatening to record them saying Nigger and turn it to the tabloids. 2. Dog is aware that sometimes him and his crew use the word Nigger and didn't want the stress of offend her and her getting mad. This nothing like Michael Richards pointing at a man he didn't know and yelling "look its a Nigger" Dog was saying because of the use of the word nigger happens there Tucker couldn't work there. Dog even offered to get him a job else where if he really loved her and wouldn't break it off.
So the results so far A&E is suspend production on the show pending an investigation and Dog has issued and apology for useing the word, and people are now begin to rally against him. Now to this I say what a load of shit. So what he said Nigger, tons of us do in our private conversations even those of us who have black friends. Me for example I have plenty of friends of Spanish and Mexican Decent, but I'm not afraid to use the word Spic, hell I have no problem using any racial slur. Why you may ask cause when I use it its an accurate description of the person. Cause not all blacks are Niggers, not all Mexicans are Spics, not all white people are Trash. If I see any person slothing along being lazy or causeing trouble an apporpriate racial slur will be attach to my description of them
Now its time to be honest cause people are out demonizing a great man for something a majority of us have done. I mean come on can you honestly say that you haven't and really was it really that wrong when you did. And you shouldn't feel bad for doing so as long as you don't apply the word to the whole race with out looking at the individual.
So if you read or have read the story dont't by into this bullshit that he should be sorry cause 1. really none of us can say whe haven't thought or said a slur and 2. the use of these words properly applied are not really slurs at all they are description of the vile of that certain race. So lighting up, like the old saying "Judge Not Lest Ye Be Judged! and Let He Who is Without Sin Cast the First Stone"
Love ya'll
Posted by MIke VanderSys at 3:18 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Hello all you may have been wondering where the fuck I've been. Welll I almost died, and I can't be more serious. I was minutes to hours away from death. As you all know I've been limited in my mobility and due to that I develop clots in my legs that i was unaware of that traveled to my lungs. Its called a Pulmonary Embolism(PE) I had 2 big one and several small ones. I aint gonna go all into it but I spent 2 days in ICU and 5 day in the regular section. But im back im using a walker and im on oxygen when i sleep but heres the kicker im gonna have to be mobile more and to do so im gonna put the blog on the back burner which sucks I love it but I cant spend 2 hours of sitting still while type and researching and codeing these things so I'll still be bloggin just not as often. So dont worry i still got things to say I haven't gone soft I just need time to recover and ill still be checking my myspace and my email so feel free to drop me a line anytime. Love y'all Tink
Posted by MIke VanderSys at 3:17 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
AmeiCan Go Fuck Yourself! Part 2
What It Means to Me to be American.
In this day and age of the U.S. we have a watch is affectionatly called a salad bowl effect when it comes to the people that make up our country, it used to be called the mixing bowl but the idea was that in a salad bowl the ingredients kept their individual charateristic while becoming a salad. where as a mixing bowl the ingedients lose themselves in the process or at least thats what they want us to all think. To this is say this a dumbass idea that im frankly sick of. When I look around at people on the street I don't see people as Mexican-Americans. African-Americans, Polish....and etc, I see Americans. And to clarify if you were born here and hold your citizenship here then you are American, just cause your grandpa's grandpa was mexican does not make you a Mexican-American. It makes you a American of Mexican decent, and the same with all the rest. The only way I could allow the term is if you hold dual citizenship, cause even the immigrants that become Citizens, they are Americans.
Now lets get one thing straight, im not try to promote the Americans are superior additude, cause anyone who knows me knows I think that America has more flaws them most countries these days, what im saying is that we should not focus on this bullshit of finding ways that we are different. Be proud of where you came from but dont forget who you are and if ya dont like it go back to where your family came from cause your family came here cause they wanted to be part of something bigger they wanted you to be American. Now remember im not saying don't be proud of your heritage, but dont let it overshadow who you are today.
Now onto a hotbutton issue: FLAGS everyone has a flag, countries, groups, companies, states, and so on. Everybody has a bloody flag, and one contreversy is the flying of other nations flags above the American flag. Now I hate the concept really of flags and I really really hate the Pledge of Alegence, but the American flag is a symbol of our nation and to fly a flag of another nation above it or without it just chaps my ass. Also when I saw those Americans marching with the Illegal Aliens walking around holding up Mexican flags it just confused me. If your American be American, If you wanna support Mexico become a Mexican Citizen. Cause it makes no sense to wanna live in American and enjoy all we have here but when it comes to your pride you wave an other nations flag it makes no sense it just hold all of us back.
Now on to the next issue about being American that no ones seems wanna back and that is A NATIONAL LANGUAGE. Why can we just say the national language is english, why is it so hard, it doesnt mean you have to speak it but c'mon it would set a standard like every other country practically. I think its just rude that some immigrants dont atleast try to learn english. Its like saying i dont respect you enough to learn your language enven though a majority of you speak it. If i was moving to another country you'd be damn sure I would learn their language, cause what am i gonna do show up and say "Oh no fuck all you assholes im not gonna change, your the ones who have to bow to my needs." see how rude that sounds and that what some of these people are asking us to do. again this just makes us focus on how different they are, and if I can't understand what your saying, then i will never understand who you are.
I just dont understand why a set of people so hell bent on bluring the lines between race color and creed would want me to look at them and see how they are different when they are not, we are all Americans. If we can get passed that then maybe we can move foward as Americans. Also then we can focus on finding the global community and making it a whole but that is another issuse for a later date.
Now im not gonna lay into the asswipe racists that promote this kinda stuff, cause all they want us to do it focus on our diffrences, see how your playing into their game, but cause if I do then i have to touch on all of racism which deserves its own blog.
So to me being American is exactly that, when someone ask you what you are say im an American then you can get into where your family came from. So with all its flaws I love living in America I may not agree with our international policies and such but I wouldn't wanna live anywhere else.
I think that we need to stop focusing on what went into this recipe but what were gonna make of it.
Posted by MIke VanderSys at 3:13 PM 0 comments
Saturday, September 29, 2007
AmeriCan Go Fuck Yourself! Part 1.
So I'm reading the news and I read about a Dishwasher who had fifty-nine thousand dollars confiscated while trying to leave the country, because he forgot to declare it. The man is Pedro Zapeta an illegal immigrant who live here in the United States and saved the money working as a dishwasher for 11 years. Customs has seized the money and refuse to give it back and INS is going to deport him. This is actually a story that started last year and when people heard it they raised ten thousand dollars to give to him. Mr. Zapeta has hired attorneys and is suing for his money back.
So there's the setup now what I think about the whole thing. FUCK HIM, he can go back to Guatemala feeling lucky we don't throw his ass in jail. This piece of shit thinks he can walk into this country and work without any visa or even start the citizenship process and steal a legal citizens wages and walk away with it. Also by his own admission he never paid a dime of taxes on it, well course not asshole your illegal. The only way you could have paid taxes is if you committed identity fraud cause the IRS usually asks for things like a social security number, something an illegal alien wouldn't have, and these people who raised money for him have gotta be some of the dumbest fucks I've seen. Would you help raise money for a man who stole money from a bank because the cops wouldn't let him keep it and you felt sorry for him. He can't keep the money his mere existence in this country was an illegal act so he can't keep money that was earned in the commission of a crime and to mention again,HE NEVER PAID TAXES!!!. In the whole time I've had to filed taxes I ended up owing every time except once, and this piece of shit wants to walk away with illegally earned money. Fuck that he can pay my taxes.
I'm so sick of these illegal immigrants, there is a process to becoming American and there is a reason for it. Why? cause being American is a privilege. Some get born into yes, its kinda like our parents sponsor us, we get in on there ticket, yet with citizenship we get responsibility. We must attend school, we must obey the law, we must sign up for selective service(technically we don't but try doing anything if you don't), Lastly we breath, live and die for this country and if you wanna just walk in here and become American you better be willing to sacrifice as we and those before us did.
Yet did this man who is whining about being treated like criminal and claims he is just a working man try?, did he ever try to become a citizen?, no, did he ever try to participate in the American experience?, NO. He tried to take his money and run back to Guatemala Also we even offered to let him take the money that was raised for him plus ten thousand of the money he earned and he turn it down stating he wants it all. To that I say beggars can't be choosers. I mean he and the rest of the illegal pieces of shit our lucky we don't throw there ass in prison and throw away the key, or yet start shooting them as they try to cross.
Now some will argue they are just trying to earn money for their families and that they just want to survive. Great so whats so wrong with starting the process of becoming a citizen, or at least getting a workers visa. Is it so hard for us to ask you do that so at the end of the day when we add it all up we don't have to account for this estimate amount of ghost people that shouldn't exist taking up space in our job force, and also wonder why the in's don't match the outs at tax time.
There is the famous argument, Well we are all just immigrants to this country. True, but in every county lifespan there has been a time of open immigration, but eventually it must be slowed and moderated hell even back then we at least took down names and where from's.
It because they are criminals they want to steal from the cookie jar while Uncle Sam ain't looking. Same with these employers who hire them, either desperate for workers or just to save a buck, either way they are criminals. I think instead of a little fine they should be have all profits frozen and be forced to sell off their company if found to be deliberately hiring illegal aliens.
So in closing of part one, fuck Illegal aliens you wanna be part of this country? then earn it. And if you are one then go home stop stealing money from us.
Much Love to My American Brothers and Sisters and all Legal Immigrants,
Coming Soon Part 2 of "AmeriCan Go Fuck Yourself!: What it Means to Be American"
Posted by MIke VanderSys at 3:12 PM 0 comments
Thursday, September 20, 2007
We’re Sorry China, We love Lead.
So I haven't said a word on this whole poison toys coming out of China shit but today I read something that just pisses me off, Mattell is apologizing to China for perhaps recalling toys that might not have been needed to be recalled. Stateing the recall may have been over inclusive and aplogized for damaging the Chinesse reputation.
Holy Fuck, while Mattell was involved in the whole deal with lead in the toys, China is the one who pulled the trigger. No matter if Mattell was telling them directly to put lead in the paint or they were oblivious when it comes down to it China is the one who actually put the paint on the toys so don't apologize for being over zealous in the recall. They were just as at fault. They ruined their own reputations with thsi poison food and toys, toothpaste, and lunchboxes. It's like I give you a gun and tell you to shoot someone, you make the choice cause you don't have to, you can choose not to be a murderer.
It was all about greed anyways if you ask me, Mattell want to make more profit, so they said hey make the toys for less, well lead paint is cheaper, hell why not. No one cared about the kids health. All that mattered was the bottomline who stole the most money at the end of the day. Same thing on the whole posion cat and dog food, it was all a money saving skeem.
It comes down that you get what you pay for. You want the cheapest prices you can get you gotta sacrifice I guess, but no one wants to think about that, they just wanna believe that a company would not do something so horrible. We sit here and just let quality get thrown out the window in light of saving a few bucks.
Remember "Made in the USA" great idea for us, not for companies. To many regualtions, people wanting decent wages and benifts. who wants to deal with that when you can outsource to a company in China were you dont have to worry about the how, what and why. All you gotta care about is the product is delivered on time for the right price. Meanwhile American unemployment rises, quality of life drops, but hell who cares cause all these forgein products are so cheap it doesn't matter that you make less cause the stuff is cheaper.
This kinda thinking has made people retarded. Which brings me to Erin Burnett from CNBC/MSNBC, I must say this bitch can go fuck her with a lead covered Dora the Explorer and die. I don't usally get this pissed about what people say to wish death on them, but take a listen to what she said concerning this whole China recall.
If you can't play the video, this is what she said;"You know, I think people should be careful what they wish for on China. You know, if China were to revalue it's currency, or China is to start making toys that don't have lead in them or food that isn't poisonous their costs of production are going to go up and that means prices at Wal-Mart here in the United States are going to go up, too. So, I would say China is our greatest friend right now, they're keeping prices low and they're keeping the prices for mortgages low, too."
Well holy shit, Im sorry what was I thinking, oh yeah I don't want my kids and pets to die!! I can't find and word of them so I can safely assume this dumb cunt doesn't have kids and if she does then god help them cause there mom is as dumb as a pile of shit.
Erin did go on the next day to do some damage control, Im sure at the order of higher ups. she went on to say
"You know, this follows what you and I were talking about. It has happened to Mattel a couple of times. Toys made in China, there are some safety questions, all right? That's the fact. And you and I were talking about—this is what people got upset about. I had said that, look, if people want to start making toys, and, by a extension, a lot of other things guaranteed to be safe, and make them in China, then the costs of production are going to go up in China, and that means prices at Wal-Mart may go up, too. China has kept prices low in this country. And that's why I called China our friend the other night on Hardball. But, you know, Chris, nobody wants children to play with toys that are not safe. Nobody wants that. I don't want that. You don't want that. But safety and quality come with a price."
Wow good observation she didnt even retract, she just spun it, and blamed the American public for wanting cheaper products . Look ill spend as much money as it takes a year extra, then risk my childs and pets life so don't blame me. Also Im not trying to make the USA out to be holy we fuck up to, but when if something happend like this to a American company I know that I could go to where they were at and raise hell without takeing a tran-atlantic flight. Also I can only imagine the horror some parents have felt to take their kid to the doctor to find out their child is dead or brain damaged from lead paint. The pain they feel cause they have depend on government that is not their own for justice or maybe they're thinking, good thing people listen to Erin Burnett and didn't bitch for safer toys and food cause I saved so much on those toys I can spend it on the doctor bills and paying to bury my kid.
So go out if you can write letters to these companies and corperations and tell em you want quality for the right price not poor qualtiy for the cheapest.
Much Love,
PS: While I was writing this a recall was annouced on Chinesse made cribs that have killed kids already. here's the link to the story with a list of the models being recalled:
Posted by MIke VanderSys at 3:11 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Life on Four Wheels, The Slow Lane
So to those who haven't seen me lately just to let you know I've found myself confined pretty much to a wheelchair. Its not permanent I hope I woke up Monday unable to use my legs below my knees so virtually I cant walk except in small spurts and it takes me about 4 mins to walk about ten yards. That's counting on haveing something to hold myself up on. Ok so this isn't a new update i actually have something to blog about but it has something to do with disabilties. So over the last 4 months I've found myself in a declining state since I tripped over a manhole cover in a Albertsons parking lot. Since then I have started to lose my abilty to walk, and became increasely unstable, causeing more falls. Colemenating with me now useing a wheelchair almost full time. Which has given me a new prespective on the world and I dont mean because im 2 feet shorter now.
I've notice that most people don't give clear thought to the design of their location as far as handicap access, now I understand some old buildings were not built with the handicap in mind, but I'm talk new buildings , for example walmart the scene of my other back injury four years ago, they have a ramp the rides up to the building yet it is insanely steap for those in wheelchairs and even their own electric carts can hardly make it back to the store. Another is place will have a ramp but once you get to the top this some sort of lip or door jam to make it across. Now I'm in so you think it be easy going from there right? wrong! Lanes, doors, checkouts sometimes are way to narrow. Especially if your on a electric cart, and speaking of those, they never keep them charged or they are broken.
Also I never notice how insenstive people are to those in wheelchairs. when im wheeling around the stores people step out in front of me or expect me to get out of their way. it like this thing doesnt turn on a dime, where as they can just side step. Also I've been stared at in the past for my looks, language, and activity, but it doesnt matter if im just sitting there I get people stareing at me as if they had never seen a wheelchair before or as if they are think "what the fuck is he using that for". Though it is fun cause I will call them out if they stare to long. Also good luck finding help in the store, and prepared to be ignore, cause the other half of people who don't stare at you will ignore your existence complety, even if you speak up they just keep turn and pray that you are not talking to them. Now assume you get a person to acknowlege you, this is where they begin to treat you like your retareded, just cause i cant walk doesnt mean I can't think, example Steven Hawkins, I may just start carrying a small bat and knock people in the knees when they mistreat me and then they can spend sometime in my world.
I was really debating bloging on this subject cause I don't like to really bitch about my problems, but it just happens that yesterday I was reading a story of a Florida man who was denied boarding to a United Airlines flight for being to handicaped. Basiclly they felt that in the event of a emergency he would not have been able to assist in his own escape(aka they thought he was to much of a liability) So they denied him board and stranded him the airport . So if this is the case now does that mean that handicap people must now take the train or drive, I mean that more expensive then a plane ticket and sometimes people fly cause they cant drive or the train doesnt go to where they need, so are handicap people just fucked. I think its just lazyness, lets just say I was on a plane and we crashed, no i weigh in at 350lbs and i can get my self off the ground by myself, all it take is one person to help me up if needed and in that kinda of situation you would probally find serveral people would help a disabled person escape a burning plane. I dont see why a person of limited mobility cannot fly. Well the good news is that not all airlines adopt the same limited view as United, the next day the gentleman flew on a competiors plane with no troubles.
Now Im in this world temporaily but most are here permanently, I mean I know i will walk again someday but for these people they will never get around with out assitance but this doesnt make them less of a person so if you see something that you think is mistreating the handicap, like people parking in the handicap spots, service people ignoreing hanicap people, speak up call em out on their shit.
Much love,
Posted by MIke VanderSys at 3:11 PM 0 comments
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Jesus Had Nothing to Do With This Blog. Kathy Griffin is My God!!
So Christians are all offended again, this time Kathy Griffin a comedian, well known for being unknown, won a creative arts Emmy this week for her show "My Life on the D-List" during her acceptance speech she started by saying "A lot of people come up here and thank Jesus for this award. I want you to know that no one had less to do with this award than Jesus." she then apparently told Jesus to suck it and proclaimed that the award was now her god. Well of course people who lack sense of humor got all in a tissy about it, and totally missed the joke. Bill Donahue President of the Catholic Leauge you may remeber him from my blog Dakota Fanning the Flames of Controversy!! was so mad he called Kathy a Bitch.
Many of the religous right have been blogging about the incendent talking about how offended they are about this, and how horrible Kathy is. But I think there is something more offensive going on at award shows that is being overlooked. People thanking Jesus for shit that there is no way he had anything to do with. Now just to mention I am a Wiccan which is a form of paganism but that doesnt mean that I dont believe in Jesus and that he was the son of god, cause i do. But what offends me is people who make vile music and movies and get up and thank Jesus. Now I aint gonna call out anyone inpreticular on this offense cause so many are at fault. But how can a person write about doing drugs, pimping hoes, and killing people and get up there and thank Jesus. Some people take the "through him all things are possible" a little to literal. Cause if that were true it means Jesus is inspiring people to create music that degrades women, promotes violence and drugs, and also awards vainity and greed , now thats taking the lord name in vain, using it to justify for vile music and media. What Kathy Griffin did was throw it back in the faces of all these pompus asses who think god cares about some petty award. God love us all but c'mon do you think he up there doweling out Emmy's to hollywood stars and just ignoring the starving children around the world, I think not.
When it comes down to it, its all about fredom of speech again, Kathy has all the right to go up there and blast god, wether jokingly or not, just as a christian has the right to go up there and thank god for the success of their new album. In the recent years christian have lost the strangle hold of the majority of societies practices, fr example saying merry christmas in some areas is not acceptable instead happy holidays is used, the ten comandment cannot be posted practically anywhere in public, people are calling to remove god from national songs and mottos. Is this a good thing, some of it yes, America is gonna have to face facts that the world is not made up of christians and if we need to accept them all, if they post the ten comandments in a courthouse, then they should all so have simialar text post from everyother relgion or it will come off as one religion is being favored over the other, which usually turns out to be true. We all need to throw away this im right your wrong attitude towards relgion. For example I can't stand the LDS relgion, but I try my best to accept the fact that they believe in what Joesph Smith said, even if I think it's a load of rubbish, they also have to look inward and find the simalarities that bring us all together not focusing on what makes us different.
But I know what to do to solve this, give Jesus a Disclaimer, at the start fo the show have it come on and say "This show was produce and created by Jesus, the views and statements made by those particiapateing may not be his own. boom there ya go Blessed Be, TinkDISCLAIMER: I wasn't talking about Kanye West.
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Posted by MIke VanderSys at 3:10 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 3, 2007
Left to Rot in a CELLphone.
So I was sitting at the fair in my wheelchair waiting on Amara to come back from bringing her mom lunch and I was watch groups of people walk by, all types adults, teens, kids and seniors and I notice something that has annyoed me for a long time but in praticularly today.
People who have to be on their cellphone constantly, now dont get me wrong im a textaholic I text a ton but when im with someone or running an erron I usally wait till im done till I pay attention to my phone except when im alone in the car. Anyways I see all these people talking out loud on purpose while on the phone so whe can all hear how cool they are cause they're on the phone and the most annoying factor is that they are completly ingoreing the person they are with. Why pay money to come to the fair with someone just to ingore them cause you gotta talk to someone who isnt there, or worst is just somewhere else in the fair, about what you've been doing. I get quite pissey about that I can understand the occasional call to tell someone where to meet or talk about plans for later but I hear people giving the rundown of every little fucking thing they did for the day.
"Yea so like we went and ate some chesse fries and then I took a shit, oh and then we went to the free stage" if you call and told me that I'd be like that nice and you want a browning star, shit at least tell some details like were the chesse fries good, was your shit healthy looking, was the free stage fun. I mean you run into this phenominon at the supermarket there is always this guy on the phone or using his bluetooth to talk to someone about how great their day was. I wanna shove the phone up his ass too cause most of these guys talk out their ass anyways and say, HOWS YOUR DAY GOING NOW BITCH! PRETTY FUCKING SHITTY HUH!!
Then you get the people on the phone while driving which is fine if you have the brain power to drive and talk at the same time which most people dont. there always the ones who will never speed up or slow down even if the speed changes, or they will get in one lane stay in it and not switch till your half way up long side of them almost sideswiping you and they have the gaul to flip you the bird, which is quite funny cause they usally take their driving hand off the wheel to do so, great now you dont have any hands on the wheel and your not looking foward. If your going out with someone pay them the courtesy to get the fuck off the phone or if your ina store use your fucking indoor voice, and if they can hear you tell them you'll call them back, and if you have a problem with paying attention stay the fuck off the phone while driving cause I will brake check your ass if im the only on in the car and if you rear end me I sue the shit out of your ass right after I get out and make you'll never be without your phone since you love it some much you can wear it down your throught have a fun time chargeing it though.
Posted by MIke VanderSys at 3:09 PM 0 comments
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Vick It To The Man! Mike
So I have been meaning to blog on this earlier but its been heck at work. So as some of you may heard Michael Vick the Quarterback for the Atlanta Falcons was charged and made a plea deal on dogfighting charges. Dogfighting has got to one of the top ten most despicable things you can do, right next to swerving to hit animals on the side of the road.
Now the debate is should the NFL kick Vick out of the NFL to me I say suspend him for a really long time but if some team wants to take his ass then fine but don't expect me to supporting that team. The new thing is ask celebs what they think while they're out on the street if Vick should be out most celebs give a confused look and run away or say no. One celeb has come out in defense of Mr Vick horrible acts that man is Jamie Foxx stating that Vick is just a brother, and he didn't know that it was illegal to fight dogs cause it something people like them saw as a kid(like that makes it ok) and suggested that Vick hadn't read his guide to being a black star, and lastly saying people kill other all the time and don't get time. Well while this is true it don't make it right they should all get time people that kill animal and humans. Also what the fuck has being black gotta do with anything. if you hurt animals i don't care what you are you should do time.
To suggest that culture is a valid reason for doing this to a animal is ridiculous , that like saying honor killings are ok cause its a culture thing. its just ignorant and far as im concerned he's getting off light, he may do a little as 6 months jail time what a load.
The NFL has already suspended Vick indefinitey but it doesn't stop the debate on if its the right thing to do some say Michael Vick is a talent and it would be a waste of it to not let him play, to this i say so what he knew what he had and he squandered it away at the expense and pain of animals. He dug himself this grave so he might as well lie down in it and take what coming to him: like a new employer
Posted by MIke VanderSys at 3:08 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 31, 2007
Larry Craig says he IdaNo Gay!!!
***BLOGNEWS*** So here I sit outside the state fair coming to you with my latest blog from my new laptop, thats right i'm mobile now so beware more blogs more often are coming down the pipe, Also I got a blog email address so feel free to send me messages and thing you would like to see me blog on or if you want me to check out your blog cause if I like it i'll give you props here. Anyways thanks to you all who come read my blogs I really apperciate it.***
So Idaho Senator Larry Craig resign today under what has got to be one of the biggest crocks of shit I have ever heard of. FOR TAPPING HIS RIGHT FOOT, that and also apparently being some kind of closet homosexual.
So back in June Senator Craig was frequenting a Minnesota airport bathroom in which a undercover cop was also in trying to bust people having sex in public. At this point what happen has been debated and retold and changed. The jist of what happen from what i've read was Craig entered his stall and took a wide stance in his stall and may have bump the shoe of the cop next to him he then waved under the partition 2 times and then tapped his right foot. and that is where it went horrible wrong cause you see tapping your right foot in a bathroom is a signal to other you wanna have sex. Shit I've been taping my foot at Amara all this week and all I get is looks of confusion. So at this point Craig apparently flash his id that he was a senator under the partition and then the cop flashed his badge and pointed to the door. Senator Craig was charged with lewd conduct which he pled guilty to. Ok so why he pled guilty is debateble, he says he was just trying to avoid a scandal. he may have known what he was doing and admiting guilt was his way of coming out of the closet is a subconsious kinda way.
So fast foward to August The Idaho Statesman run the story of the bathroom arrest and then the whole fucking capitol lost its goddamn mind. People starting immeditly call for Senator Craig to resign, Larry started to deny he was gay, media outlets took this new story and ran with it cause what could be juicer then a sex scandal then a Gay sex scandal. So here we are end of the week and now Idaho has lost one of its senators pressured out by his own party and the real reason why because he might be gay and as we all know hardcore republicans treat gays like they have some diesese that can be transmitted to them just by mearly being freinds with a gay.
When the fuck are people gonna grow up who give to shits if the mans gay and to boot to be arrested for what he did is stupid as all hell could have eaisly been a honest mistake or not but atleast wait till ask to suck your dick or suck his before saying that he was solicting sex. And really he a U.S. Senator do you really think picks up random ass in a public restroom hell no he pays for it and has it brought to him. Its sad to see a man brought down just cause he may be gay and might have meant he wanted to have sex when he tap his foot. OR! He was haveing a good day he accdenlty touch some guys foot then wavied under the stall to let him know no harm and then showed his id just to let him know who he was and he just so happen to start tapping his foot out of nervousnes for embarrasing himself in the mens room.
So whats done is done, he resigned, its bullshit, but i guess we all better just watch the toe tapping while takeing a dump and we may be accuesed of being gay, like its something bad to be anyways. By the way if you are gay get to Iowa quick and get married before the man takes it away again.
Much love, TINK.
Posted by MIke VanderSys at 3:07 PM 0 comments