Thursday, September 20, 2007

We’re Sorry China, We love Lead.

So I haven't said a word on this whole poison toys coming out of China shit but today I read something that just pisses me off, Mattell is apologizing to China for perhaps recalling toys that might not have been needed to be recalled. Stateing the recall may have been over inclusive and aplogized for damaging the Chinesse reputation.

Holy Fuck, while Mattell was involved in the whole deal with lead in the toys, China is the one who pulled the trigger. No matter if Mattell was telling them directly to put lead in the paint or they were oblivious when it comes down to it China is the one who actually put the paint on the toys so don't apologize for being over zealous in the recall. They were just as at fault. They ruined their own reputations with thsi poison food and toys, toothpaste, and lunchboxes. It's like I give you a gun and tell you to shoot someone, you make the choice cause you don't have to, you can choose not to be a murderer.

It was all about greed anyways if you ask me, Mattell want to make more profit, so they said hey make the toys for less, well lead paint is cheaper, hell why not. No one cared about the kids health. All that mattered was the bottomline who stole the most money at the end of the day. Same thing on the whole posion cat and dog food, it was all a money saving skeem.

It comes down that you get what you pay for. You want the cheapest prices you can get you gotta sacrifice I guess, but no one wants to think about that, they just wanna believe that a company would not do something so horrible. We sit here and just let quality get thrown out the window in light of saving a few bucks.

Remember "Made in the USA" great idea for us, not for companies. To many regualtions, people wanting decent wages and benifts. who wants to deal with that when you can outsource to a company in China were you dont have to worry about the how, what and why. All you gotta care about is the product is delivered on time for the right price. Meanwhile American unemployment rises, quality of life drops, but hell who cares cause all these forgein products are so cheap it doesn't matter that you make less cause the stuff is cheaper.

This kinda thinking has made people retarded. Which brings me to Erin Burnett from CNBC/MSNBC, I must say this bitch can go fuck her with a lead covered Dora the Explorer and die. I don't usally get this pissed about what people say to wish death on them, but take a listen to what she said concerning this whole China recall.
If you can't play the video, this is what she said;"You know, I think people should be careful what they wish for on China. You know, if China were to revalue it's currency, or China is to start making toys that don't have lead in them or food that isn't poisonous their costs of production are going to go up and that means prices at Wal-Mart here in the United States are going to go up, too. So, I would say China is our greatest friend right now, they're keeping prices low and they're keeping the prices for mortgages low, too."

Well holy shit, Im sorry what was I thinking, oh yeah I don't want my kids and pets to die!! I can't find and word of them so I can safely assume this dumb cunt doesn't have kids and if she does then god help them cause there mom is as dumb as a pile of shit.
Erin did go on the next day to do some damage control, Im sure at the order of higher ups. she went on to say

"You know, this follows what you and I were talking about. It has happened to Mattel a couple of times. Toys made in China, there are some safety questions, all right? That's the fact. And you and I were talking about—this is what people got upset about. I had said that, look, if people want to start making toys, and, by a extension, a lot of other things guaranteed to be safe, and make them in China, then the costs of production are going to go up in China, and that means prices at Wal-Mart may go up, too. China has kept prices low in this country. And that's why I called China our friend the other night on Hardball. But, you know, Chris, nobody wants children to play with toys that are not safe. Nobody wants that. I don't want that. You don't want that. But safety and quality come with a price."

Wow good observation she didnt even retract, she just spun it, and blamed the American public for wanting cheaper products . Look ill spend as much money as it takes a year extra, then risk my childs and pets life so don't blame me. Also Im not trying to make the USA out to be holy we fuck up to, but when if something happend like this to a American company I know that I could go to where they were at and raise hell without takeing a tran-atlantic flight. Also I can only imagine the horror some parents have felt to take their kid to the doctor to find out their child is dead or brain damaged from lead paint. The pain they feel cause they have depend on government that is not their own for justice or maybe they're thinking, good thing people listen to Erin Burnett and didn't bitch for safer toys and food cause I saved so much on those toys I can spend it on the doctor bills and paying to bury my kid.

So go out if you can write letters to these companies and corperations and tell em you want quality for the right price not poor qualtiy for the cheapest.

Much Love,


PS: While I was writing this a recall was annouced on Chinesse made cribs that have killed kids already. here's the link to the story with a list of the models being recalled: