Sorry folks meant to get this out on Sunday but while in Utah I caught a cold. So before we start I got some blog new that I'm proud about my blog has hit 2500 views and that is more then my profile and amazingly thanks to u all im getting over 200 view a week now so I just wanna thank you for the support once again I'm glad you all can enjoy my rambleings.So there has been a few people I have been refusing to blog about for a while. People such as Paris Hilton, anyone from The Hills, Amy Whinehouse and Britney Spears. But week after week, month after month Miss Spears makes me grab my forehead in pain and confusion. How can this person be allowed to care for children? I know we have all seen her her antics over the years with her children, dropping them and not reporting it, driving with her kid on her lap while being chased by the paprazzi and I'll try to list all the shit she has done in the last few years, but I'll start by saying "BITCH BE CRAZY!!!".
Now with the latest new that she failed one of her court order drug test on top of missig 8 out of 12 of them useing a book full of excuses such as missed the call to report adn the latest excuse being that she does't get up early enough cause she is a "Pop Star" with a 1 album, which by the way The Eagles had the 1 album that week is it considered perjury then. This bitch is just horrible person she appartenly ignores her kids according to the courts, runs read lights while text messageing with her kids in the back, drive with a vaild drivers licences and hits someone and runs, Drinks and smokes constantly in the presesence of her children. OH and has shown her cooche so many times there is no need for her to pose nude we all no what it looks like. I mean if this was a non-celebrity they would have lost custody of her kids after the first couple problems. I mean I can't even spank my kid for doing something wrong with out having my kids taken away but she can almost kill her kids and she gets to keep them. But "THE BITCH" has lawyers and and money and fans so I gues the saftey of the children doesn't really matter. I mean she is in such bad shape she make Federline look like father of the year. How the fuck he has no job and two other kids to support and he getting custody of these two he is a tramp. And regardless of all the reason why shouldn't have the kids, she doesnt seem to want them. when she lost her majority custody she had 2 days to hand over the kids. So you would think any mother who loved her kids would spend every waking moment of those two day with her kids, no for "THE BITCH" she handed over the kids within hours and then hit the clubs and got drunk, and when she does have them now she goes and leaves them in the car with the court moniter to go Chandaler shopping, now thats a loving mother. Sorry Honey mommy love you but she loves lighting fixtures more. She is a disgrace to mothers and I'm not surpised that more mother haven't rallied against her. Now taking kids away from a parent is something no one likes to do, but I think in this case we would be doing the kids and THE BITCH a favor. They can be happy living without a crazy coked out mom, and THE BITCH can keep on exploreing into drugs,clubs and tanning cause forget music please god let her quit music. Hopefully I won't have to say more about thsi horrible person but i just had to vent before my brain exploded.Oh yeah and THE BITCH parked in a Handicap spot so she could go get a tan, Sorry grandma you gotta park across the lot cause Miss Spears was looking pale
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Worst Mom Ever! It’s Britney Bitch!
Posted by MIke VanderSys at 3:20 PM
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