Here I sit in the doctors office a place where a man holds the power to help me or kill me. At this moment his bosses are trying to kill me over what 450 dollars. I'm being forced here cause they let a caring understanding man go because he apparently dared to disagree with them. Now her I am at their request and when I arrive they tell me to go fuck myself in a way, all this is is a shakedown. American capitalism at its finest selling the most hardest drug, life. Hospitals make whores of great doctors directing them to work not by what its right but what makes money. Charging ungodly amounts of money for just the privilege of talking with a man, and how do they justify this? Well he had to pay a lot for college. So because school is over priced I have to die if I don't cough up the dough. Life is poison, hospitals are the devils keeping the antidote under lock and key. fuck BMH
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
The Pedo-Files: Miley Cyrus
So this this week pictures of a near topless Miley Cyrus appeared. The pictures were taken for Vanity Fair, who have a reputation for artistic nudity. A previous controversy with Vanity Fair was when Rachel Mcadams refused to do a nude shoot with Scarlett Johansson and Keira Knightley. Well now it Mileys turn only she is a little to late to refuse as the pictures are already taken. Her picture(below left) have a Miley with no top on covering her breast with a sheet.
Now remember this girl is 15 and her parents were on set with her when the photos were taken. Now the questions are this picture really that bad cause she is topless. Is it bad cause it's provocative. Would it be ok if she was not as famous or did not have a fan base of young girls. Lastly if it is wrong whos fault is this.
To the first question skin wise you can see this much of Miley if you she was wearing a bikini or if you have a account on myspace. Also Miley has posted many pictures on her myspace that I think are much worst then this picture cause not only is alot of skin show they are shot to be sexual and playful. Which the Vanity Fair shot was to be artistic and show innocence at the same time a girl growing into a woman.
As to the provocative issue while I all ready stated I thought it was nice play on showing her innocence. kinda like her life half bare for the world to see almost a woman but still a girl. Yet take a look at the behind the scenes (above right) shots without the color work and photoshoping it looks playful and really she was not that naked. Then back to the myspace pictures(shown below) take a look here
and more
That brings me to the next issue of fame. Would this be so bad if she was not a famous or had a fan base of young girls? I think that if this was a unknown girl posed in this way it would not be such and issue and people would be able to see it as an art piece instead of a young girl half naked. I think part of the whole controversy is that she is a idol to young girls, but you must realize she is also a celebrity she has to grow or she will always be stuck as Hannah Montana.
Last question who's fault is it. Easy answer is the parents, Miley is not an adult obviously. She cannot make these kinda calls on what would be too much or too little and as we have seen from her myspace we can tell she is a real bad judge of what is too much. Yet I go back to the fact that I really don't think these pictures are that bad. I think there is a another reason why this seemingly has blown up in Mileys face.
I think the real big deal is Disney. Disney has gotten enough bad press on the sexy pictures taken by previous Disney kids like Britney, Christina, Hayden, Lindsey and of course the full on nude Vanessa Hudgens. Yet not as much fuss was raised by their photos even though they were role models to to young girls. So why the big freak out? Cause Disney see this time there is money to be lost. I mean it would explain why Miley and her parents would agree to these photos only to backstep and denounce them. Cause Disney told them too. I mean listen to Miley's aplogly/statment it sound forced and kinda stupid "I took part in a photo shoot that was supposed to be 'artistic' and now, seeing the photographs and reading the story, I feel so embarrassed." Word is she and her parents sign off on everything pre-publishing nothing should have been a surprise to them, only to Disney. I think they are cause this media fuss as kinda lesson to Miley and to save themselves of being accused of pimping out a little girl hmmm we would never think that Disney your only just concerned cause Miley can't make you as much money if she loses her teen appeal yeah your so not pimping out kids. So in the end its all about money who woulda thunk it..
Posted by MIke VanderSys at 7:18 AM 0 comments
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Recently in Portland Oregon a letter was sent out to the parents of Lincoln High student in reference to the upcoming prom. It stated that parents should open there doors to after prom parties and provided alcohol in a bid to prevent the student from havening to break the law to get their own liquor and give instructions on how much liquor it would take for the amount of students and then makes a bragging remark to the amount of drink that goes on at Lincoln. It then goes on to promote the use of condoms for safe sex and the letter actually contained 2 condoms.
Now if you believe this letter was a real letter sent by the administration then your an idiot. This is obviously a prank pulled by Lincoln students or some rival school. Yet some parents are up in arms about this letter calling it inappropriate and offensive. I think there mad that they fell for it or just that it just confirms their worries that the students might get a chance to drink and have sex. These people need to calm down.
Its a joke first off these people I'm sure they had no intention or belief that anyone would be dumb enough to fall for this and believe it was a actual letter from the school. Secondly the bit about the condoms was actually a good bit of advice and trust me if my son is gonna have sex at his prom he better have a condom on cause I don't want no prom-made babies. Hell I bet it was the first time some of these idiot parent had even given thought to what there children would be doing after prom that night. I love it when parents get one upped, cause as we all know are parent love to pretend that they are in complete control of there little universe and nothing goes down without their say so. So for someone to throw it in their face that they can't control everything and sometimes it better they shouldn't.
Granted I think prom night is the worst night to do any drinking so as adiv

So Parents of Lincoln High and parents of all high schoolers out there chill and don't get all in a fuss. That is the wrong thing to

Posted by MIke VanderSys at 7:44 AM 0 comments
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Dude Looks Like A Lady!
So big story of the week is this so called pregnant man. Its in People Magazine and it was on Oprah. So if you hadn't heard about this Im sure your freaking out this. Well don't cause its not true kinda. The person in question is Thomas Beatie who if you haven't already guessed use to be a woman, Ta Dah. Wow now don't you feel silly getting all worked up about it. This is quite on honestly one of the stupidest and falsest stories mainstream media has picked up on since WMD’s in Iraq.
I guess if your one of those people that believe that gender is within not without and gender is the only thing that matters. then yes Thomas is a man and yes he is pregnant but his sex is still female. If I were to go through hormone therapy gets some boobs and grow out my hair but kept my penis could i really claim I was a woman that could piss standing up. The answer is hell no, I would still be a man/the Ugliest woman I have ever seen. Now if i had my penis removed and completed the same feet then I believe that yes i could make such a claim. So as soon as Thomas grows a penis and has his female organs remove and then gets pregnant then he can claim he is a pregnant man.
These people are just plain retarded to even brag about a story like this, that is to say that it may be some medical miracle. But it does bring up the issue of Sex and Gender, Transgender and Transexual. Are they same thing? Take for example if a Transgender man(a man who has been transformed into a woman ) is arrested and he needs to be strip search who does it a man or a woman. Does it matter if he still has his penis or if he had it lopped off and is now a transexual. They are a person so how can we prevent abuse in this situation cause is the man gay or is he straght. Then in the work place how do we deal with that to avoid uncomfortable situation? How can we define what they so we can begin to accept them.
I dont really think there is some kind of set method but, myself being a straight man with what some would call transgender tendences( I paint my nails and I like lipstick and eye liner and identify more with women then I do with men) I can only say that while for the sake of social status we should treat people as what they appear to be boobs= woman, no boobs = man, as for science and treatment in the police example above then it is a matter of sex, penis = man, vagina = woman and that matters even for those people who weren't born that way.
Now while I do think that Tom and his spouse, who is a woman, are being stupid on bringing this out as a pregnant man story and same goes for the media for spinning it that way. I still applaud them on bringing such an issue to the front and that may be we can all look passed what our eyes see, and what we perceive as the norm. Hopefully it can save a transgender child from abuse from their peers and or family.
Posted by MIke VanderSys at 10:20 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 4, 2008
20 Percent of American are Retarded/Rich
CBS report recently that 81% of people believe that the country is headed in the wrong direction, an all time high. So who the fuck are these 19% to 20% of people that either cant deiced or worse believe that we are headed in the right direction. What the fuck, how can any of this shit be good. They need to give out a list of these people and lets us weed em out. These people either have lots of money so much as they don't care or else they are part of that die hard GO USA group that are to busy looking up at the flag in their front yard to see that we’re neck deep in shit.
Normally I would agree to disagree when it come to the political views but for these last 8 years I just cant and still ive held back when dealing with the individual as not to cause a fist fight but when dealing with amount of bullshit going on I think its time that these people stand up and show themselves, who the fuck do you think you are to say things are going well when people are burning their home cause they are about to be foreclosed on cause they got laid off and cant file bankruptcy cause the new laws or how bout gas and milk almost being the same price per gallon and the president has the balls and or lack of brains to say he hadn't heard anything about 4 dollars a gallon for gas. Pull that shit near me and im might just rack ya in whatever body part will hurt the most.
Bush will send a trillion to a war that most don't support yet we don't have the money to fund our schools, to take care of our roads, or to help stabilize the country. Fuck no we gotta go get them terrorists Well till know Ive known who was the leader of the real threat to America and now I know how many followers hes got out there. I urge you guys to take an extreme level on this if you know someone who falls into this twenty percent then let them know that you can be associated with someone who is pro-terrorism(please exclude family from this rule you have to love them even if they are retarded) . Cause no one has caused more destruction and fear mongering then our own president.
PS. I know some of you maybe sick of the political stuff, but really its all i can do not to lock myself in the bedroom and not come out is to just keep on this in hopes of making some kinda of difference. Also if you wanna here me rant make a suggestion in your comment or email me and
Posted by MIke VanderSys at 3:28 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
I Love Dirty Movies!!! Fuck Clean-Flicks!
Something I was glad to be rid of was the practice of "Cleaning" movies which is when some wussy prick takes a movie that someone spent alot of time and money on to make just right and then removes anything they think offensive or "Not Family Friendly". While the actual company CleanFlicks has actually stop this practice of violating copyright laws and butchering movies for the delight of pansies everywhere. Many local places have kept the practice and should be stopped.
To mention the whole idea of a clean flick is to remove images and words that are evil to say is kind of stupid. If you remove the image of a man getting his lower intestine removed from a scene in a movie just so said asswipe can bare to watch it. It still doesn't change the fact you are still watching someone get killed, your thinking it, imagine the blood and gore. The same with swears bleep bloops , crap and crudes your still thinking FUCK SHIT MOTHERFUCKER AND CUNT. MUGGLE FUCKIN TROLL SHIT!! Anyways its an excuse for people to feel better about breaking the rules. Example again if you close your eyes during a sex scene does this remove the responsibility to those who feel watching such a scene to be a sin. To this I say no, if you watch the movie whether you watch the bad scenes or not you still support the movie in a whole, the scene was still there even if you chose to ignore it.
Then there is the question of who the fuck do you think you are? you book burning Nazi. Censorship of a rental movie is illegal, we censor tv mainly cause its a public forum and tv station need sponsors to make money and sponsor don’t like to support channels that hold nothing back, fucking wusses. but to censor a movie it no different then removing books you don't agree with from libraries if chose to read it then deal with it, don't pick and chose what you want to read about it.
And how can you enjoy a film without every scene it was made with each detail to be scene and heard to change that change the meaning and context of the film which makes it a big waste of time.
If you like clean flicks grow some balls watch the real film or don't bother cause obviously your not mature enough to deal with what your watching and should just stick to you local channel for entertainment bitches!.
Posted by MIke VanderSys at 3:28 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
1st Admendment, 2nd Ademendment, 3rd Admendment, GONE!!
So as some of you may heard the bogus across the board handgun ban in Washington DC is fighting for its life to stay in affect. How could a ban even exist? Wouldn’t the 2nd Amendment, Right to Bear Arms, stop that kinda shit. Hell no! In the last 8 years I have seen more and more of my rights slowly bit by bit removed. How so you may say. Let me Elaborate and I mainly talking about the Bill of Rights( the first 10 amendments of the Constitution).
1st admendment- Freedom of Religion(only if your Christian or Jew. Forget being Muslim or Pagan), Speech(As long as it aint something bad about the current President or his friends or how fucked up they are), and Press(2 words FOX NEWS, mainstream press today has been sold to the highest bidder and no longer reports what happens but what some political lobbyist wants you to hear and if anyone does ask something stupid like, hey where are all those WMD’S? or why haven't you caught Osama? They are quickly silence and or ignored.
2nd amendment- Right to bear arms, granted this has be left alone for the most part during this presidents terms but more and more anti gun lobbyist are fight to ban things like handguns and assault rifles. I give em assault rifles as to say you cant have one in your home, but you may keep them in facility for you local militia. But to ban handguns in an effort to deter gun crime. Yeah a new law that will stop criminals, because they follow laws so well to begin with. "oh shit Larry we gonna have to use knives to rob that bank, they passed a law banning handguns.
(SKIPPING 3-no problems there)
4th amendment- Protection from unreasonable search and seizure. well you can thank the Patriot Act for fucking us over on this one and bring back the days of the cloak and dagger J Edgar Hoover society. All they need is to even suspect you of something they think is terrorism and next thing you know phones are tap email scanned etc and all without your knowledge and worst of all without a warrant or checks and balances.
5th Amendment- Right to Due Process. Meaning you cant be trialed for a capital crime unless indited by grand jury. Now here Im talking about the possible hundreds of American being held for crimes of terrorism without having a grand jury look at the case which this also ties into the next amendment.
6th Amendment- Rights of the Accused. Mainly here I talking about Speedy public trial. most of these people are being held for crimes with no idea of when or how they will be tried.( and remember I am only speaking on behalf of Americans being held not foreigners who do not have these rights)
7th Amendment- Trial by jury goes back to number 6 these people are receiving no trial whatsoever.
8th Amendment – Prohibition of excessive bail, as well as cruel and unusual punishment. One word Water-boarding . and for those who don't know what it is, it is not a fun weekend on the lake, it is the act of tieing a subject to a board and elevating his feet like they are almost standing on there head and then dumping water on their face and sometimes cling film is used around the face to give the sensation of suffocation as well as just plain drowning. I really have nothing against the use of it against non Americans but again rumors and storys is that it has been used against citizens which isnt right.
9th Amendment - Protection of rights not specifically enumerated in the Bill of Rights. Basically this some it all up. It means you cant violate any of my rights even if the right is not specifically stated in the Constitution. This one get ignored all the time. Its almost generally accepted that if the right is not stated in the Constitution then you really don't have it. To that I say bull crap just cause there isnt a law against some crimes doesn't mean that they are not still crimes.
10th amendment- Powers of states and people. this one is about if it isn't stated in the constitution that the government has a certain power then that power is given to the people. basically the government cant do anything unless told to by us or have been granted in the Constitution. This one make me laugh like the government has ever listen to us if they did then next month you wouldn't be sending in your taxes.
Hopefully this time next year I wont feel this way maybe I will feel like I actually live in a free society.oh and PS FUCK THE CHINESE GOVERNMENT!! LET YOUR PEOPLE BE FREE OR BURN YOU PIECES OF IGNORANT DOG SHIT!!! *cough* yes thats quite enough.
Posted by MIke VanderSys at 3:27 PM 0 comments
Saturday, March 1, 2008
What would a Mcdonalds McCain taste like?
I tell ya dusty old republican. It would taste of old fashion big government that is way past its expiration date that has been cooked in oil profits. It would leave you unsatisfied and like most things at McDonalds making you wish you would have never ordered it.
So anyways less then a year we have a new president. It looks like McCain got the Republican slot and its between Obama and Clinton for the Democrat position. Grant nothing is absolutely official until the repective party conventions. Oh yeah and if ya didnt hear Ralph fucking Nader is ruining Dems chances (cough) I mean running yes running for president under the Independent slot. Which means he has probably been paid off to steal votes from the Democrats, of course that is my opinion but the fact is that is what he ends up doing.
I know im not voteing Republican if its McCain, I might have for Rudy. As far as Democrats I think Obama gonna win out over Clinton for the drivers seat. I think I could live with that Obama does have passion. Unfortunately he is a bit of a young pup and I think his lack of experience on the worlds stage may hurt him but if Hillary's there to help then I think we may be ok.
As far as other candidates still running or at least being support yes they may have the right ideas and plans but when have you known this country to elect as person who had the right ideas, This is definitely a contest of the rich and well connected, not of honesty and intelligence
So whatever happens in this next election all I can say is GOODBYE TO BUSH. He has definitely done his work he has accomplished his goal of making him and his buddies tons of money, killing Sadam and generally fucking over the country and not to mention being a open homophobe.
Now I know some of you will say its not his fault that the country is in the shitter it was Clintons fault, blah blah, blah the man has been in office for EIGHT years EIGHT!!. See I tend to blame the guy currently in office if things are going shitty if he was handed a country that was in pretty damn good shape to begin with and to anyone who says that it wasn't then I tell you all I know was thing were hell of alot easier going when Clinton was in office no matter what he was doing. And sure he was a womanizing bastard, but you know that doesnt make him a bad president it makes him a bad person. Lying about a blowjob seems rather minor to lying about WMD's in order to start a war. I know some say Bush had bad intelligence on Iraq so ok what your saying is we're incompetent great I would have total been for kicking Sadams ass if bush would just said hey lets do it, but don't bullshit me with tale of WMD's. I didn't start off dislikeing Bush I actually supported him against Gore cause Gore lacked backbone Bush for all his faults is a Strong president he knows what he wants and he gets it. He just doesn't want what I want.
In the end I'm ready for change I've spent enough time surviving in the "bush" and I ready to come back to society.
Posted by MIke VanderSys at 3:26 PM 0 comments
Saturday, February 16, 2008
The Fatman Cumeth, SKEET SKEET SKEET!!!
So it time to start blogging again trust me I got lots of ammo and a some stories to tell, and whole lot of bitchin to do this year. It the election so we're gonna have fun with that and I really really hate my dad and I will probally be talking about that all year. Long story short he is a cheating, mentally abuseing, druggy asshole and his only real accomplishment is that he proved that if you fuck up at you job and piss and moan enough and then say you tried to kill yourself twice then you get a check monthly from the government and you dont have to work and you can have all the time in the world to go off and fuck your whore of a girlfreind and not give two shits about anybody else but yourself....cough yeah what was i saying about short story anyways yes lots more to come so hold to your seats close your eyes and get ready for the money shot right in your face. SKEET SKEET SKEET
Posted by MIke VanderSys at 3:26 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
How can Heath Ledger be dead
I can honestly say I am shocked, so much so that I coming back early from my vacation from the blog to say so. I just can't believe such a young talent is dead. I won't go one about who he was and such all I can say is that I am truly at a lost of Heath and I will miss his skill and presence on the screen, and I was going make it a point to see Dark Knight but now it a must see no excuses The Joker is one of my all time favorite villians and it would be a bur in my ass if I miss this last chance to see Heath Ledger on screen and not beacuase he is dead but he was an awesome actor I miss him.
Posted by MIke VanderSys at 3:25 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Clap if You Believe in Me: MY LIFE
So Amara said to me a little while back that I hadn't done a all about my life blog and I really havent been in the mood. But she is right like she is most of the time. I just thought Id kinda give ya run down for anyone who cares. So things right now are hecktic with physical therapy and doctors and the holidays. Its all be a whirlwind. I couldnt do it without Amara, I mean if I didn't have her Id be stuck, she cooks, cleans, shops, drive she does all the heavy lifting and she changes almost all of the dirty diapers and all while looking freaking hot plus she has more patience when it comes to me then my own mother and for those who know me that is saying something she is truely the love of my life and my soulmate. As far as things with Darrell it couldn't be better. I know all parents say this but my kid is so damn cute and smart as hell. He is only 16 months yet he is doing all the things a 2 year old should. Its just so cool to talk to him and have him understand. You tell him to go grab something and bring it to ya or tell him to get ready for bed and he at least tries to. Also he still is a dream to get to bed, which no reason to curse me I know it will all catch up with me on the sleeping. As far as friends go all is well. Family is differnt note as far as my side now im not gonna go into that cause it is way to personal. There gonna be 2 weddings in June I'll be attending I even get to be the best man at one of them Im really stoked about that , the other though well hmmm the jury is still out on that one, sorry fire Overall I feel drain and little powerless due to my injury but I have a calm that I didnt before all this. I just wanna thank all you guys for giving me an outlet to speak. Merry Yule to you all TINK
Posted by MIke VanderSys at 6:00 PM 0 comments
PhotoShopping for Cover Girls: SIZE 2
OK OK I've got an ax to grind or more like resharpen cause this is an issue I've kinda covered before. Why is any real woman who makes the limelight riddiculed for their looks and why oh why must insist on photoshopping the hell out of them in magazines so that they are unreconizable.
The most recent case as some of you have heard of dumbasses attacking a real woman is Jennifer Lover Hewitt who as been the target of mockery for being spotted with what some people are calling a fat ass. To this I say really what is fat about her. Fat should mean a person who is of such a size that it is unhealthy and it shouldn't be a term of mockery its condition brouught on by lack self control when eating or genetics, I know cause im fat. I mean take a look at Mrs Hewitt here is she really fat?.
On the left and in the middle is the pictures that have cause all the trouble and on the end is a picture taken a week or so after the first two. Seriously in all of these pictures she looks great. Granted she ain't dolled up at the beach but a woman that puts on make up before going in the water is no woman I wanna be with. Jennifer is just to real for these over critical brain washed assholes that think that you can't have an ounce of body fat or any flaws at all or your just not worthy of being seen. I mean honsetly which of these two women below do you prefer.
If you said the anorexic chick then you have issues and your adding to metal warping of young women,
So as we know no one is perfect and Hollywood knows it too. Yet here come the computer age to save the day. For many years now magazine have been useing computers to edit photos of models. Things like removing pimples, scars, blotchy skin, bad lighting and etc. Yet a trend has popped up in recent year of complety altering the physical look of the model or celebrity. Here are some examples.
Here is a photo of America Ferrera, the sexy as hell star of Ugly Betty. taken around the same time. Now notice that her hips and arms a slimmer from one photo to another. This was just a slight alteration but was it really needed? I mean she is a fatastic beauty without any work why must we soil natural beauty with editing. Yet here some examples of takeing this editing futher.
Ashlee Simpson on the left is pre-plastic surgery, bottom right is post-surgery, and top right is a shot from Complete Woman magazine.
Stacy "Fergie" "Ferguson on the left is her recent cover of Blender magazine and the right is a recent photo.
Now tell me that those magazine pictures looking anything like the actual person or for a matter of fact a living person and you would be a fucking liar. I mean they looks so fake it makes me sick literally. I cannot stand to look at these magazine pictures so scroll down so we can't see them. I mean Ashlee Simpson was a punk hottie to me and then she goes and has this surgery now she looks like a valley girl and then she gets photoshopped to look like a living doll and of magazine to do it in then a magazine called Complete Woman, bet it says complete with battries inculded cause these women are toys. Fergie on the other hand I really don't find much sexual appeal in her but still why if they wanted her on the cover so badly did they feel the need not to put a real pictures of her up. Don't they stop to think about the untold damage they are doing by distorting the image perception of youg people especially girls
I know this cause I was one of these people but I didn't take it out on myself. I took it out on others. Anyone I thought didn't look perfect or dress perfect and it was all just cause I didn't fit in either but I felt if I pointed out other peoples flaws they wouldn't notice mine. I mean how fucked up is that and to see now how plastic surgery has become so main stream and people are afraid to age. We got Hollywood cramming it down our throats like drugs that we gotta be perfect. For example take a look at this Dove ad you may have saw bringing to light the altered perception we have of beauty.
Wow just ad 2 inches in neck why don't we and thin out the checks. Now Im not saying that you have to be large either im not call out for people to gain wieght if they are skinny either. What im saying is be healthy, be you, and if someone don't like your pimples, ass, hair, clothes, or whatever then just take comfort in the fact that they only reason they are pointing it out is beacause they are an unsecure prick or bitch who needs to come to terms about how they feel about themselves and realize they are fine they way they look too.
Posted by MIke VanderSys at 3:24 PM 0 comments
Sunday, December 9, 2007
I Gotta Hit the CANdidates
Were a less then a year from electing a new president, thank god. Problem is now which asshole or spinless bastard to choose. Every election I usally have one candidate in mind by this time but this time I cant seem to come down to one so what I thought I do is go through the one I think have a chance and list the pro and mainly the cons cause presidential candidates never have many pros. alos maybe you guys can give me some feedback on what you think about these candidates.
Democrates (list in order of who i think has the best chances)
1.Barack Obama
Pros:The man got a good spine he doesn't seem like he would fold on the issues as often as most would have you seem. Also when he talks he seems genuine. I can usally smell bullshit and most of what he says doesn't come across as that.
Cons: He is purposley playing the race card. He wants me to vote for him cause he would be the first black president. He even got the queen of blacks Oprah to back him. He is pimp her out for votes and i don't like that. He black so what that should be a reason to vote for him.
2.Hillary Rodham Clinton
Pros: Has more spine and bigger balls then any other Democratic candidate, plus she have Bill at her side to help back her and he has experience to give. It's like getting two presidents for the price of one. She is also ruthless she has that maneater additude, she seems like a lady not to fuck with.
Cons: While she fights for issues she stands for, if it aint on her agenda she won't take any stance on it. Plus that ruthlessness that is such a pro can also be a con. Cause what whould she be willing to do to the American public just to get what she wants.
3.John Edwards
Pros: None that make him stand out other then he seems like a nice guy
Cons: Spineless, seems to flip-flops on issues
Now IM gonna take a different approach with the republicans cause they all seem to have the same pros and cons, but my top runners are 1. Rudy, 2.Fred Thompson, 3. Ron Paul
Pros: They all have good spine they don't seem like trhey would back down from a fight. They don't flip flop very often. Also most seem to genuine or at least commited in their statments.
Cons: Almost all of them are anti-abortion expect Giuliani.and also most are anti-gay rights now dont get me wrong im pro- gay right for them to have the same rights as us not any of that hate crime crap. Lastly they come across as willing to do whatever it takes even lieing to Americans to get the job done.
Now where I stand.
Pro-abortion(even though I think its a horrible act)
Pro-gay rights
Pro-eviroment control
Pro-seperation of Church and state*
Anti-big goverment
Anti-illegal immigrants
*Mainly this eliminatea Mitt Romney who is a dick for suggesting that freedom needa religion. which is to imply that atheist don't like freedom. This assholes says he will tolerate other relgions if elected to that I say my relgion is none of your concern and anyways Mormons belive they are the one true church and its their duty to convert others. So how can I trust this ass not to get all preachy without comprimiseing his faith. I just don't trust him like most Mormons.(TO ALL MORMONS ON MY FRIENDS LIST IF YOUR ON IT I DON'T MEAN YOU CAUSE IF I DIDN'T TRUST YOU I WOULDN'T HAVE YOU ON MY LIST)
Overall it gonna be another year where im picking the lesser of two evils. I know there are good candidate out there that have no chance of making it like Gravel he got a good idea and he is passionate but as always he don't have enough buddies in the right places and he is to honest to have a good shot. It seems we are doomed to pick people we know we can't fully trust because we know voteing for anyone else would be throwing our vote away.
So tell me folks who should I vote for and why and if you see something wrong about a candidate I've listed then make a comment I want to here from you guys.
Posted by MIke VanderSys at 3:23 PM 0 comments
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Have a Merry X-mas or Yule Be Sorry
Hey all been takeing it easy I got another month off work and then I should be back to work. Otherwise I havent been on much cuase of the holiday's and some close friends just had a baby if ya wanna see him he cute as hell just go to and click on the Alixzander Boyd Croft section. So anyways I've been taking it in this holiday season cause I will probally not have this much time off again until I retire and i'm really enjoying myself. Yet the same old holiday annoyances have reared their head along with some new ones.
First would it kill the stores to wait till mid November to put up x-mas stuff. Why o why must I see it right after Halloween. I any of you are buy decorations that early you shoudl be beaten like a naughty child. Then there is the music. I love alot of X-mas music, not much of the kids stuff though, but store just can't wait to try to put us in the mood to shop. It's like they are trying to trick us into think that its already December and we only have 3 weeks to shop. WAKE UP PEOPLE ITS JUST BARELY DECEMBER!!!. So by the time Christmas/Yule comes round I'm so sick I could spit fire.
Second is that store have diverted from saying "Merry Christmas" and have chosen to say "Happy Holidays" as they say that Christmas is mainly a Christian holiday. While that is true Christmas in this day for me has gone beyond religion and has taking on a meaning for me that means love and peace of all. If you say soemone has the Christmas Spirt I take it as they have a the spirit of giving, family and love. Why must we turn it into another religion battle we have plenty of time during the rest of the year to argue that why can we spend at least this month loving each other and make up for all the horrible shit we're going to say and do to each other this next year.
Nest is more personal for me and that is the Christmas Shuffle I like to call it. Which is the run around some people make when they have more then one family to visit on Chistmas because you can't get both familes together. I mean it is impossible to get my inlaws in with my family and since I have a child both sides act like that make me obilgated to spend time with them n xmas and I love to but I hate the fact that I have to figure out how, and it usally means running from on house to another more then spending x-mas eve at my parents and the wifes and decieding who gets more time. Then X-mas morning spend early morning with the inlaws then leave go to my parents and leave after dinner and go back to inlaws for a later x-mas dinner. I mean why, why do I and countless other have to do this. So do what I did tell them they have to deal with only see use everyother year or come up with another plan. and so this year we are gonna spend x-mas eve with my parents and x-mas day with my inlaws I say its fair both get uninterrupted time with us and no running around. So this year make it about you and family not just about the family if you feel rushed then you aint gonna enjoy yourself.
and lastly is some people have turned up there noses to the classic Santa phrase "HO, HO, HO" saying that the word "HO" has a relation to a prostitute and to have a beloved childrens character shouting out the term for hooker would be wrong and instead Santa shoudl say HA HA HA. To anyone who believe this bullshit just stay home please don't come out this Christmas because your what we like to call an Idiot. To imply that Santa is calling to his whores like he is some kind of Noth Pole Pimp is stupid and if anything is a joke for adults and adolescent boys.
So what I'm saying is drop all your negativity people this season and spend time with those that are important to you. Don't let corperate America, picky family, and religion ruin your fun.
HO HO HO, Merry Christmas
Posted by MIke VanderSys at 3:21 PM 0 comments