For anyone who knows me, they know I love movies, especially epic movies such as Star Wars, Lord of the Rings(LOTR), and Pirates of the Caribbean(POTC). I love these movies for their story line and they were made with passion, at least the original Star Wars Trilogy was the new episodes suck. Anyways since Harry Potter and LOTR came out and with the sucess of X-men and Spiderman, Film studios have started makeing movies about any story they can make sequels out of. Taking hardly any time for quality, story, or flow. For exaple Daredevil could have been a great story but lousy quality, chessey lines and Ben Afleck ruined that movie. All the studio was looking to do was make a series of money making films and when Daredevil bomb they took the one good thing of that movie Jennifer Garners character Elektra and ruined it to with a cheesey, poorly done spin-off.
No what got me going on this rant train is the movie Beowulf. I have never read the book, which its actually just one long poem, so I have no idea of the story, but what I can tell you is it is a very important book to some people and i would have to see it raped into some kind of 2 hour mess just for the sake of makeing money and producing trilogies. The only reason some genius producer even thought about Beowulf I bet is that it was well known that J.R.R. Tolkien was a fan of the book. So the studios hope that LOTR fans also read Beowulf and will now want to see it turn into a movie. Lets hope they don't ruin it by change the story or adding action for the sake of making money.
And look at the movies coming out soon, Iron Man, Hitman, Nick Fury and talks of Wolverine and Silver Surfer spin-offs. I am already a little confused on the Iron Man and Nick Fury movies. Iron mans is supposed to be black and he is played by Robert Downey Jr., since when was Iron Man a drug addict, and Nick Fury is supposed to be white, yet Samuel L Jackson is playing him. What the fuck already the movie aint out but its already been raped into something it was not.
And these studios really gotta stop making gmae movies. Since they tried to make Super Mario Bros. into a game they should have known they were doomed(except for Resident Evil).....Oh that brings me to Doom the movie. Doom was one of my favorite games growing up, it was just one of the first gorey and bloody games out there that hit it big. So when they said hey were making a movie out of the game I was like cool. The story of the game, and im sumerizing highly, is that scientists on Mars accidently open a portal to hell, or some Hell-like dimension and you are a exiled soldiers that has to kill them. But in the movie its a virus that turn people into killing demons and a team of marines have to go kill them. What was wrong with the original story. It just pisses me off and now with Hitman, which is another one of my favorite games coming out, I worry they will turn it around into something it is not.
Im not saying that these movies are instant crap, but so far since movie like LOTR and Harry potter ahve cashed in on big money by makeing movie that have on-going story line and lead into multiple sequels the movie studios have began grasping at straws in hope of find the next big story that will capture the audiences. but what they dont relize is that they are tredding on the hallowed ground. These stories they are trying to make into blockbuster movies are childhood memories for most of us, stories that we grew up on. character that we have grown to love, and if they don't take the time and show passion for the story they are gonna keep turning out crap movie after crap movie.
So to everyone I want to hear what story, game, or comic movie you saw and hated and why leave a comment.
P.S. I know I didnt cover all movies bomb like Aeon Flux but that was so many I could have blogged for days. Thats why I want you all to leave a comment, on any thing I missed K love ya all
Friday, November 16, 2007
Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings Chronicles of Beowulf
Posted by MIke VanderSys at 3:20 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Worst Mom Ever! It’s Britney Bitch!
Sorry folks meant to get this out on Sunday but while in Utah I caught a cold. So before we start I got some blog new that I'm proud about my blog has hit 2500 views and that is more then my profile and amazingly thanks to u all im getting over 200 view a week now so I just wanna thank you for the support once again I'm glad you all can enjoy my rambleings.So there has been a few people I have been refusing to blog about for a while. People such as Paris Hilton, anyone from The Hills, Amy Whinehouse and Britney Spears. But week after week, month after month Miss Spears makes me grab my forehead in pain and confusion. How can this person be allowed to care for children? I know we have all seen her her antics over the years with her children, dropping them and not reporting it, driving with her kid on her lap while being chased by the paprazzi and I'll try to list all the shit she has done in the last few years, but I'll start by saying "BITCH BE CRAZY!!!".
Now with the latest new that she failed one of her court order drug test on top of missig 8 out of 12 of them useing a book full of excuses such as missed the call to report adn the latest excuse being that she does't get up early enough cause she is a "Pop Star" with a 1 album, which by the way The Eagles had the 1 album that week is it considered perjury then. This bitch is just horrible person she appartenly ignores her kids according to the courts, runs read lights while text messageing with her kids in the back, drive with a vaild drivers licences and hits someone and runs, Drinks and smokes constantly in the presesence of her children. OH and has shown her cooche so many times there is no need for her to pose nude we all no what it looks like. I mean if this was a non-celebrity they would have lost custody of her kids after the first couple problems. I mean I can't even spank my kid for doing something wrong with out having my kids taken away but she can almost kill her kids and she gets to keep them. But "THE BITCH" has lawyers and and money and fans so I gues the saftey of the children doesn't really matter. I mean she is in such bad shape she make Federline look like father of the year. How the fuck he has no job and two other kids to support and he getting custody of these two he is a tramp. And regardless of all the reason why shouldn't have the kids, she doesnt seem to want them. when she lost her majority custody she had 2 days to hand over the kids. So you would think any mother who loved her kids would spend every waking moment of those two day with her kids, no for "THE BITCH" she handed over the kids within hours and then hit the clubs and got drunk, and when she does have them now she goes and leaves them in the car with the court moniter to go Chandaler shopping, now thats a loving mother. Sorry Honey mommy love you but she loves lighting fixtures more. She is a disgrace to mothers and I'm not surpised that more mother haven't rallied against her. Now taking kids away from a parent is something no one likes to do, but I think in this case we would be doing the kids and THE BITCH a favor. They can be happy living without a crazy coked out mom, and THE BITCH can keep on exploreing into drugs,clubs and tanning cause forget music please god let her quit music. Hopefully I won't have to say more about thsi horrible person but i just had to vent before my brain exploded.Oh yeah and THE BITCH parked in a Handicap spot so she could go get a tan, Sorry grandma you gotta park across the lot cause Miss Spears was looking pale
Posted by MIke VanderSys at 3:20 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
AmeiCan Go Fuck Yourself! Part 3
Morning Folks, so I woke up this morning and was reading and stumbled along this story about Illegal Aliens getting Drivers Licenses. I knew that New York had been throw the Idea around but turns out Utah, which is part of my axis of evil, and some other states is handing out something called a driving privelege card to these bastards.
You see A Driving Privilege card is not an ID or shows proof of residence it merely give these asshole the abilty to drive legally, even though their mere existence in this country is a crime in itself. Who's fucking idea was this? Hey you may be in this country Illegally and I should drive you down to INS and have your ass deported but here's a card to let you drive. So in the story of this hotel worker who is taking his drivers test, and he says in the interview that if he has the right to buy a car and be part of this society then he shoudl be able to drive it. What a load of shit! You are not part of this society dumbass and since you not American you have no rights. If i had my way then the only right you'd have is the right to a ass beating and a ticket back to where your from.
And the blame just isn't on the Aliens its on this fucking ass state government. Who the hell does Utah think it is underminding Immigrations laws. One worker said that if an Illegal makes it a thousand milles inland then his only concern then is public saftey and that its the federal goverments job not theirs. What about your duty as an American pal, I think any state's DMV that hands out these card to Illegal aliens should be arrested on aiding and abeddinga fugitive and they should go to house of anyone who comes and gets these cards and kick down there door and send their ass back from where they came from.
This kind of treatment of Aliens that Utah and other states are showing is just giveing in, its just asking for more of there stinking asses to come here and steal our jobs and tax money. And I know they are gonna say its for the publics saftey blah blah blah do you really think if a alien fails the test he won't drive, hell no they are doing it anyways right now. So why would they give a shit. So next time you get in a accident and you go to exchange info with the other driver, it just may be an Illegal alien with no insurance, but with a valid card to drive, and you can thank you state goverment and make sure to send them the bill.
Posted by MIke VanderSys at 3:19 PM 0 comments