Wednesday, May 16, 2007

I got a right to FUCK in public.

Don't worry I wont be fuckin in  public anytime soon but I sure will be saying fuck in public and shit, damn, hell, bitch, balls, and Barbra Streisand. Just recently I was ask to watch my mouth at a local resturant as not to offend the other paitrons of the facility.  I choose instead of lettting some business walk all over my first amendment rights I would leave and take my money with me.  This angered me cause IM FUCKIN HUNGRY!  Now for the story and why im so pissed I went into a Wingers on a friday night specificly on a Friday cause it is the only fucking day you can something else other then Chicken Tortilla for the soup option.  Every fuckin other day its chicken tortilla.  So I go in order soup and a sandwich mmmmm clam chowder.  ten minutes after my order is placed A nice servant comes to me to say they are all out of clam chowder would you like some chicken tortilla.  Now I didnt become Iraite or raise my voice I said "fuck, you guys always have nothing but chicken fuckin tortilla"  to which I said after a long pause "fine bring me fucking chicken tortilla".  the server had a look of shock  on her face ,I guess, cause my  Brother in law apolized for my foul language.  Next thing I got a fat fucking bitch telling me I got to watch my language or leave.

Now let me tell you what is wrong with this. One the first amendment allows me the freedom to say what I want to say where I want to say it. Two to make such a rule to bar me the right to say it violates my fourteenth amendment rights which says essentialy NO STATE SHALL MAKE  A LAW THAT VIOLATES A CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT.  Now state doesnt just mean  states like Idaho it mean anyone , any entity  in the USA  can not  make a law or rule againts  foul language cause it violates my  first amendment right.  This was put to the test  in the case of Cohen vs California in which a man was charged with disturbing the peace for wearing a shirt that said "FUCK THE DRAFT!"    the supreme court overturned his conviction on the grounds it violated his fourteenth amendment right . per that I'm allowed to say, write, and display fuck or any swear word in public. If I had time and money I would sue Wingers but also Im not sue happy( something we will touch on another day).

So why would someone try to violated my freedom of speech? why is fuck and all so called four letter words so taboo.  Some say it the meaning of them or the context. to that I say Awww Frick. hmmm Frick why can I say frick?  cause it means fuck but I cant say fuck. so the meaning of frick is fuck, and dang is damn and shoot is shit.  Then how come if the context and meaning is the same  why can we say frick in public and not fuck.  OPINIONS thats why (which are like assholes, everyone has one and  they usaully stink).  the moral magority who think they can make ther beliefs and opinions laws they think they can tell me I cant say fuck in public cause it offends them.  I dont like them, and some of their beliefs offend me like their stance on gays. but I dont tell them them they cant say that gays are demons and sinners. I turn them off, I ignore them.  So why cant they. Cause it would be too easy.  So if you believe in "Foul Language" fine but that doesnt give you the right to censor me  Now I could understand if i was out yelling it at th top of my lungs at 2 in the morning but not beacuse of what im saying. just that its 2 in the morning it disturbs the peace which is a right. people have a right to peace, life and liberty.  Aww so If I sit at a table and say words that offend you does it disturb your peace? No cause there is no right to peace in a public area.  just like their is no right to privacy in public. you want to eat somewhere where you can  control you surroundings  then go home.  but if you go out in public you should respect other rights just as i respect yours. cause think how you would feel if i asked you to leave for saying god cause it offends me think about how mad you would be. well I hold my right to free speech as close as you hold god.  so think about that next time you hear the F word.

So anyone feel free to ring in and tell me how the fuck you feel about fuck