Tuesday, March 18, 2008

1st Admendment, 2nd Ademendment, 3rd Admendment, GONE!!

So as some of you may heard the bogus across the board handgun ban in Washington DC is fighting for its life to stay in affect.  How could a ban even exist? Wouldn’t the 2nd Amendment, Right to Bear Arms,  stop that kinda shit.  Hell no! In the last 8 years I have seen more and more of my rights slowly bit by bit removed. How so you may say. Let me Elaborate and I mainly talking about the Bill of Rights( the first 10 amendments of the Constitution).

    1st admendment- Freedom of Religion(only if your Christian or Jew. Forget being Muslim or Pagan), Speech(As long as it aint something bad about the current President or his friends or how fucked up they are), and Press(2 words FOX NEWS, mainstream press today has been sold to the highest bidder and no longer reports what happens but what some political lobbyist wants you to hear and if anyone does ask something stupid like, hey where are all those WMD’S? or why haven't you caught Osama? They are quickly silence and or ignored.

2nd amendment- Right to bear arms, granted this has be left alone for the most part during this presidents terms but more and more anti gun lobbyist are fight to ban things like handguns and assault rifles.  I give em assault rifles as to say you cant have one in your home, but you may keep them in facility for you local militia. But to ban handguns in an effort to deter gun crime. Yeah a new law that will stop criminals, because they follow laws so well to begin with.  "oh shit Larry we gonna have to use knives to rob that bank, they passed a law banning handguns.

(SKIPPING 3-no problems there)

  4th amendment- Protection from unreasonable search and seizure. well you can thank the Patriot Act for fucking us over on this one and bring back the days of the cloak and dagger J Edgar Hoover society.  All they need is to even suspect you of something they think is terrorism and next thing you know  phones are tap email scanned etc and all without your knowledge and worst of all without a warrant or checks and balances.

5th Amendment- Right to Due Process. Meaning you cant be trialed for a capital crime unless indited by grand jury. Now here Im talking about the possible hundreds of American being held for crimes of terrorism without having a grand jury look at the case which this also ties into the next amendment.

6th Amendment- Rights of the Accused. Mainly here I talking about Speedy public trial. most of these people are being held for crimes with no idea of when or how they will be tried.( and remember I am only speaking on behalf of Americans being held not foreigners who do not have these rights)

7th Amendment- Trial by jury goes back to number 6 these people are receiving no trial whatsoever.

8th Amendment – Prohibition of excessive bail, as well as cruel and unusual punishment. One word Water-boarding .  and for those who don't know what it is, it is not a fun weekend on the lake,  it is the act of tieing a subject to a board and elevating his feet like they are almost standing on there head and then dumping water on their face and sometimes cling film is used around the face to give the sensation of suffocation as well as just plain drowning.  I really have nothing against the use of it against non Americans but again rumors and storys is that it has been used against citizens which isnt right.

9th Amendment - Protection of rights not specifically enumerated in the Bill of Rights. Basically this some it all up. It means you cant violate any of my rights even if the right is not specifically stated in the Constitution.  This one get ignored all the time. Its almost generally accepted that if the right is not stated in the Constitution then you really don't have it. To that I say bull crap just cause there isnt a law against some crimes doesn't mean that they are not still crimes.

10th amendment- Powers of states and people. this one is about if it isn't stated in the constitution that the government has a certain power then that power is given to the people. basically the government cant do anything unless told to by us or have been granted in the Constitution. This one make me laugh like the government has ever listen to us if they did then next month you wouldn't be sending in your taxes.

Hopefully this time next year I wont feel this way maybe I will feel like I actually live in a free society.oh and PS FUCK THE CHINESE GOVERNMENT!! LET YOUR PEOPLE BE FREE OR BURN YOU PIECES OF IGNORANT DOG SHIT!!! *cough* yes thats quite enough.


Saturday, March 1, 2008

What would a Mcdonalds McCain taste like?

I tell ya dusty old republican. It would taste of old fashion big government that is way past its expiration date that has been cooked in oil profits.  It would leave you unsatisfied and like most things at McDonalds making you wish you would have never ordered it.

So anyways less then a year we have a new president.  It looks like McCain got the Republican slot and its between Obama and  Clinton for the Democrat position.  Grant nothing is absolutely official until the repective party conventions.  Oh yeah and if ya didnt hear Ralph fucking Nader is ruining Dems chances (cough) I mean running yes running for president under the Independent slot. Which means he has probably been paid off to steal votes from the Democrats,  of course that is my opinion but the fact is that is what he ends up doing.

I know im not voteing Republican if its McCain, I might have for Rudy. As far as Democrats I think Obama gonna win out over Clinton for the drivers seat.  I think I could live with that Obama does have passion.  Unfortunately he is a bit of a young pup and I think his lack of experience on the worlds stage may hurt him but if Hillary's there to help then I think we may be ok.

As far as other candidates still running or at least being support yes they may have the right ideas and plans but when have you known this country to elect as person who had the right ideas, This is definitely a contest of the rich and well connected, not of honesty and intelligence

So whatever happens in this next election all I can say is GOODBYE TO BUSH. He has definitely done his work he has accomplished his goal of making him and his buddies tons of money, killing Sadam and generally fucking over the country and not to mention being a open homophobe.

Now I know some of  you will say its not his fault that the country is in the shitter it was Clintons fault, blah blah, blah the man has been in office for EIGHT years EIGHT!!.  See I tend to blame the guy currently in office if things are going shitty if he was handed a country that was in pretty damn good shape to begin with and to anyone who says that it wasn't then I tell you all I know was thing were hell of alot easier going when Clinton was in office no matter what he was doing.  And sure he was a womanizing bastard, but you know that doesnt make him a bad president it makes him a bad person.  Lying about a blowjob seems rather minor to lying about WMD's in order to start a war. I know some say Bush had bad intelligence on Iraq  so ok what your saying is we're incompetent great I would have total been for kicking Sadams ass if bush would just said hey lets do it, but don't bullshit me with tale of WMD's. I didn't start off dislikeing Bush I actually supported him against Gore cause Gore lacked backbone Bush for all his faults is a Strong president he knows what he wants and he gets it.  He just doesn't want what I want. 

In the end I'm ready for change I've spent enough time surviving in the "bush" and I ready to come back to society.