Wow I have had it with Guns and Roses, especially Axel Rose, Once again anthor show ruined beacuse of whinning. Recently GN'R cancled a show because they couldnt drink on stage because of the pyrotechnics they used being so close to alcohol on stage would be a violation of fire code. So instead of excepting this a just going on to give the fans what they want, THEY CANCEL THE SHOW!! CNN reported "after the cancellation, a band spokesperson blamed fire marshals for "making it impossible for the band to perform their show to the usual high standards that their fans deserve." High standards? They need to be drunk to perform? WTF. Well makes sense cause they way Axel sounds now, he'll have to be drunk to recreate a sound that like that, its hard work to sound like shit aparently.Now for a bit of history on why im through with GN'RIt started back in 1991-92 at 2 show Axel got mad and walked of stage mid show. Once in Maryland Heights, Missouri, Axel jumped off stage to tackle a guy who was recording the show with a video camera, once back on stage Axel got mad and walk off stage resulting in a riot , earlier the next year while playing the Montreal Olympic Stadium with Metallica. Ealier in the show Lead singer for Metallica James Hetfield was injured in a pyrotechnic accident and had to end their set early. So GN'R took the stage after a long delay, and began to complain about the sound and Axel was having trouble with his voice apperently and stop the show early, once again resulting in a riot again.Now Their 2002Chinese Democracy World Tour had two canceled shows do to Axel did not show up on time. The first at the tours kick off in Vancouver and then in Philadelphia. Aparently they're not in it for the fans cause no one who cared about there fans, would do that shit. Ive had it with GN'R they're joining my list of musicians that have become to full of themselves right beside Metallica and Sheryl Crow, bunch of asswipes. CORRECTION EXCEPT FOR SLASH, HE'S THE MAN!!! Thanks to wikiepedia for the date and names of the tours, my memory is good just not that good.
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Roses derserve the Axel
Posted by MIke VanderSys at 12:22 AM 0 comments
Thursday, November 9, 2006
Don't Boob about it!!
Its been almost 2 years since it happen, and are we better off. I'm talking about the exposing of Janets Jackson breast on live tv at the 2004 super bowl. Was it worth it, I think not, Now I know that I wont catch any really live moments, who knows how many curse words, and countless nipple slips that will be missed due to the now 5 second delay on live broadcasts. I think live should mean live not 5 seconds later, so what a titty made it on the air, big deal. goes back to the old arguemnt about all the horible things you see and hear in graphic detail on the evening news. Look if you have no problem with your kid hearing about the family that got disembowled by their landlord then raped after death then let them enjoy a little titty, gives something to go spend time in the bathroom thinking about, cause as we all its hard to hold a gun in one hand while jerking off in the other.
Posted by MIke VanderSys at 1:20 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 7, 2006
Kanye, have a little Faith
OMG so after sex tapes, rehab, botox and forgein baby adoption, the new emerging trend is award show freak outs, First it was Kanye West at the European MTV awards bitchin cause he lost the Best Video Category and now Faith Hill throws a hissy about loseing to Carrie Underwood. Come one now you lost deal with it. As far as Kanye Wests deal goes, I saw the video that beat him, it was really wierd made no sense really, and the music was way out there. But guess what Europeans like that, so who do you think they'll vote for. A busty American babe shaking her ass in a american rap stars video or the wierd and cooky european boys, hmmmmm. Regardless of all that though bitching about just proves anyways that you deserved to lose, if you can't carry the respect to at least first see the other guys video before bitching about it you deserve to lose.Qoutefrom Kanye "I haven't seen [the Justice vs. Simian video]. Possibly it could have been quite good, but no way better than 'Touch the Sky'. That is complete bullshit. I paid a million. Obviously it's not all about the money, but the response it got transcended everything, it really made great TV. It took a month to film; I stood on a mountain; I flew a helicopter over Vegas. I did it to be the king of all videos and I wanted to walk home with that award." Also Kanye the winner isn't determined by the amount of money spent on production . A turd made out of Diamonds is still a turd. Now as for Faith Hill she yelled out "Waste" if your asking me but some say it was "What Gives" when it was annouced Carrie had won, at least she didn't go up and grab the mic out of Carries hand and begin ranting, Nope she did worse. She is claiming she was not disrespecting Carrie and I quote "The idea that I would act disrespectful toward a fellow musician is unimaginable to me," Well guess what Faith they have these things called cameras and they record stuff and guess what we had some on ya when ya freaked out k.
1. If your upset about loseing, be gracious, omit defeat, then go home and scream out loud will stuffing your face with oreoes and ice cream till your agent has to take you to have your stomach pump and get you emrgency liposuction.
2. If you are gonna have a freak out omit it dont try to bullshit us with some story it just pisses us off more.
So in closeing Kanye and Faith when it was annouced that you guys had lost, for that split second you were a loser if you could of held out you would have been temporaly a loser, but since you decieded to freak out about it, Now everyone not only rembers who won but they remember you lost and that forever makes you a loser.
Posted by MIke VanderSys at 9:50 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 22, 2006
GUESS WHO'S BACK?!!......?.....? you dont know either!! fuck guess ill never know. So anyways its time to blog quickly but first an update Darrell is doing great and getting big and we will have professional pictues soon. Now to the blog my issue this week is against parents who think just because they have a child they all of a sudden have the knowledge of the universe within them, Sidenote: i had the same bitch about celebrity parents too, These people have to start off ever sentence with "As a parent i think that or being a parent i feel" and they always gotta tell you how hard life is with a kid, "you think you got it bad try haveing (insert ../ a) kid(s). See im a parent now and i dont want to fall into this trap of thinking just cause i got a rugrat that i have the knowledge of the cosmos and that everyone wants to here my opion on their lives. If anything haveing a kid make you even more stupid. hell trying to acure knowledge will getting no sleep, and getting kids to school, practice, friends etc. I have one and i have no time to be giveing out advice. But some parent go on some kind of campain to prove how wise they are as parents. They'll ask you to hold their kid only to tell you your holding them wrong for example and proceed to tell you how they studied all these books on proper hold techniques, Bull shit! I dont wanna hear it. and the worse is when they apply being a parent to totlly offbeat subjects. "As a parent I think a raise in property tax is a bad thing" "as a parent i and against the death pentalty" ( just so you know im not talking out my ass ive heard people say these things ) and finally is when they use this wise knowledge to fuck shit up for the singles. Like if i wanted to build a strip joint, every parent in town would say "as a parent i dont want my child expose to this trash. WTF just cause you got a kid i cant see some tits. BULLSHIT!!! hell i would have no problem with a titty bar next to my house cause i would put the fear of god and my belt into my child if he ever step foot in that place.... well until he was 21 then me and him would got get some singles and hit the town hehe. so fuck you all you uppty parents. well it really early and im really tired as you can see im loseign focus talk to you all later
Posted by MIke VanderSys at 2:41 PM 0 comments
Saturday, August 19, 2006
IM A DADDY!!!!! part 2
My hands smell like baby, im tired and confused, but loving it. It hasent been easy, we even had a first parent freak out and took the baby to the doctors. Darrell keep snotting up stuff and was very fussy, turns out we need to burp him just a bit longer. the worst thing is laundry though, since Darrell is a premie diapers dont fit well, even the premie kind so when he pees he pees his blanket, clothes and bedding, other then crying nothing else is getting to me and the crying isnt that bad. so im gonna keep it short(I'll give a full update later) got lots to do talk to you all later.
Posted by MIke VanderSys at 2:40 AM 0 comments
Monday, August 14, 2006
Darrell Eugene VanderSys joined us at 4:53 am on Sunday the 13 of August he weighed 4 pounds 7 1/2 ounces He's a small guy and he was 4 weeks early but is completly fine, So to tell the wacky story of how he was born. Amara and I had just arrived at her mothers and amara complain about her butt feeling wet, we pass it off as sweat and proceded. We decided to go to the driving range(Amara and her mom had never golfed) so i was showing each of them how to hit the ball both failing horrible finally *CRACK* Amara knocked a ball with her 6 iron 75 yards without the roll I might add, only to look down to see her pant were now soaked, she thought she had had a accident, and left me and her mother to continue driveing balls while she went home to change, Long story short Amara water had broke and when we got her to the hospital she was dialated to 4 cm without here feeling anything really, she dialted to 10 at about 3:30 or so in the morning and at seven minutes to five Darrell was born and Amara didnt even scream (thanks to the drugs), He was breathing too fast and had a hard time pinking up but the doctors got him fine with some oxygen and saleen, He was only 18 inches but strong as hell, looks just like his daddy with his mommys ears. Me and Amara are so happy and will be even happier when we get to bring him home. Now for the funny coincedence about this weekend:
1. Sunday was the baby shower
2. My mom just happend to have the weekend off which never happens
3. I had talk to Amaras belly a few days pior and jokingly asked baby to come out and play soon
4. i just happen to get off early from work had i not i would have been driving home from work when Amara's water broke or atleast just barely gotten home.
so anyways welcome to the blog of the luckiest, happiest, proudest father and husband.
Posted by MIke VanderSys at 12:34 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 11, 2006
Crest with that Minty, explosively clean feeling!!
So todays blog is about the recent attempted terror attack on airplanes, did anyone notice that no one gave shit at all, I for one didnt either, I flew the day after the shoe bomber guy, wasnt even scared. Its real sad that we've gotten to the point that we stopped getting pissed about terrorists, but it is real easy to stop careing I guess. Shit it can happen at anytime, anywhere we've become so comfortable with the thought that we could die at any second of the day, that when some crazy assholes came really close to killing again, people just shrugged and went "oh well". Now im not saying lets go crazy and double the anti terror efforts and give up even more rights, but holy shit should we just let it slide like we just didnt almost have another tragedy. I dont know I teeter back and forth on the issue on one hand I do not support the patirot act fully I'm very lery of some of the things the goverment can just up and do without proper permisson in the name of the war on terror, on the other hand I dont want to die in some terror attack that could have been prevented. Im so confused. after 9/11 i was freaked out, I was one hundred percent ready to kick someones ass, now I feel pooped, I have no enegy left to get pissed is whats wrong, We gotta stay strong on are own, against terror but also against laws that allow the goverment ot over step their boundries. its us the people that have to be strong willed and minded to keep it all in check. as you can see im very A.D.D on this blog im have never been a patriotic person by far, in fact i hate the pledge of alegence, but im still not gonna just let some terrorist asswipe come in my yard and fuck with me with out raiseing hell, (or at least help to raise hell seeming i would be Gomer Pile if i joined any branch of the service, i would'nt be much help in a fight) So lets get pissed cause now ya gotta buy a new fucking thing of mouth wash when you cross the pond and we all know how bad airline food and a 6 hour flight can make your breath stink, fucking terrorist.
Posted by MIke VanderSys at 1:35 PM 0 comments
Saturday, August 5, 2006
Its 7pm do you know where your Suri cruise is?
I HATE CELBRITY BABIES!! ok not the babies themselves but their parents, "YEAH CONGRATS YOU HAD A KID, WAY TO BE HUMAN!"they think beacuse they have money and fame this makes them the best parents ever and give them to write book giving advice on the subject. Alsoplease celebs STOP BUYING STUPID OVER PRICE CRAP FOR YOUR BABIES! Why buy a stroler that cost 1500 dollars just cause its dutch made, and thats not made up jullianne morre and i think reese witherspoon both bought a 1500 dollar stroler. for that kind of dough it better breast feed(none of that formulat shit) and change the kid for it to be worth it. Im gonna start selling a line of baby hats made of custom made ziplock bags filled with malaysian mud and baby powder and sell them for millions. Also STOP ADOPTING FORGEIN KIDS, well at least you could do is help others adopt, does anyone know what it takes for a regular person to adopt from a forgien country lots of money and time, Seems like Angelina Jolie goes to some kind of forgein kid mart," ooh ill take two browns and a yellow how much do i owe you?" And what about these baby pictures who cares! oh i saw the baby first woo hoo im special , whats worse is that some of them sell the pictures. I know its their picture to do what they please but that just pimping your kids if you ask me.
Now to my last rant about celeb babies, which is pretty much just about britney spears baby. someone needs to take that kid away from her. regardless of the acutsation that her baby has been dropped more times then the New Years Eve Ball at Time Square. but any mother who would allow their kid to ride on her lap while driving, with the possibilty that she may have to drive eraticlly because of the papirazzi, and say it was to protect her son is retarded. All it would take is just a sudden stop going 3 or 4 miles an hour to swing that babies head into the steering wheel possibling killing or severly damageing the kid. now it is also possble he would just have a bump on the head but why would you risk that. ITS JUST RETARDED!
Now i understand that im not a celebrity, I dont know what its really like to be one but I hope if i ever were to be one (just in case being fat qualifies me to be hehe) I hope i would show more sense then some of these celeb parents.
Remember this is just my opinion. it doesnt make me right its just how i feel
Posted by MIke VanderSys at 2:32 PM 0 comments
Sunday, July 23, 2006
Why Blog? Why Not!
So I guess i should explain the the meaning of why my myspace address is wmsucks, some of you might know it stands 4 Wal-mart Sucks, I feel, like some, that Wal-mart is a parisite killing America, It a cancer produced by greed and kept thriving by the american lifeblood. It may be diffent in some towns but one like mines Wal-mart is like a angry giant bow to its will or face it rage. most lie down in bed with walmart by working there, i myself worked not for walmart but 4 a comapany hired by walmart which trust was just like walmart. when walmrt came to my town it was great, made in the usa products at affordable rates, lots of jobs, and it gave fair competion to the local market. Well most know what happened next , we became a super center walmart stoped selling most of the made in america line and we fell into a slow decline of more and more poverty in our town, some are caught in horrible cycle. they cant get a job anywhere except at walmart cause no one else can hire cause all their business goes to walmart, and then walmart doesnt pay them enough to shop anywhere but walmart. Now all walmart seems to do is lower the cost and quality of their products and lower the standards of employee treatment, long hours, low wages, bad benifts(if you can afford them), and a constant string of dumbass, inexperienced, MALE, managers or co manges, department heads, store mangers and so on, All this low standards in practice in affecting our economy. we have all adjusted our budgets and our mind set to shop at walmart, Why should employers worry about pay at other jobs they know they can pay you dirt cheap cause you can shop at walmart, who needs good food when it 50 cents a box 4 tuna helper. Now dont get me wrong Ill shop at walmart but only if i have tobut espcialy not 4 food. 4 some walmart is a help when times get tight but i think some have come to rely to much on walmart and have settled 4 less, using walmart as a cruch, and walmart knows it and that why using tatics to kill local economy they cripple us make it impossible 4 us to stand on our own make choice on who and where will spend our money with..
Posted by MIke VanderSys at 2:28 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 21, 2006
God gave us religion, and the Devil said let me organize it for ya.
Two blogs in one day, say isnt so... So my blog today is on a very touchy subject "Religion" y blog about it, cause you just gotta, nothing carries a stronger opion in ppl then religion. The same is for me. Mines is get rid of them all! and just have one rule "Be good to yourself and others" now not to say im perfect cause im not by far. I can be mean, vengfull, rude, crude, perverted, and a long list of other offenses againts others and myself, but I have a goal to better myself and treat others equally. I think where we went wrong is turning to ideas of god from others to find our own. All you need to know is God exist and he loves you, from there you must find out the rest dont let books(even the bible), tv, historians, or anyone tell you what god is or isnt, or what god likes and doesnt like.
Now see I believe god appears in many forms and for sake of it i refer to him in a male form cause the word god is a male word, Now because god is everything and nothing, he has no color and no sex. but he has a nature to him, god is both female and male and thats why I worship the goddess and the god, The God represents all that is earthly and material to me and the goddess all that is spritual and not of this plane. The god is the tree the goddess is the spirt within the tree. Now on the subject of Jesus, I believe he existed on this earth, and such follwed the nature of this earth he was of color, more then likely olived skined, and he was what we should live to attain a balance of spirit and mind. Now on the subject of hell and heaven, I unlike some Wiccans beleieve in hell and heaven and the devil. because I believe to have a pure god and not have a counter to him would throw off the balance of the universe.Wether the stories of lucifer and his minions of evil are true, i dont know, all i know someone has to pull the strings on the evill side of things, Now dont get me wrong i dont buy into this battle between good and evil, I believe the god and devil work together to test us to see what paths we will go down, and it is not bring us down or punish us but as part of the plan that is laid for us. In that I dont beileve God every gives us more then we can handle, So i try never to blame god or the devil for anything. I know if a challenge arises in my life God knows that i can succed it just up to me to find the way.
Disclaimer: this story I am about to tell i have told to many mormons and the usaul reponse i get as that i must have been in a bad ward, which may be true, cuase i have many close mormon friends, its just myself like many seem to have had simlar situation and complaints, but i in no means mean to inculde every single mormom into this one group that would be ignorant.
Now on the subject of hate. I do have some religions i do not agree with and at some points hate them. There are some religons, one inperticular that i hate, not that i hate the members of that church i just strorgly disagree with the belief of it and hate what it make some of its members. The LDS church is the one i refer to. Now dont get me wrong all religion have their faults no one is immune to the things that have brought me to disagree with the LDS church. But and this is the reason I most disagree with it is the view on the family structure and kids. Males in charge, females are not, and you cant have sex unless it is to concieve. And so proceeds alot of LDS familys breed themselves into poverty. Now I have ran into alot of LDS that do tweek on this alot, but the experice i got im my 5 years as a Mormon was just like that. I saw families way to huge to support themselve , quick marriges followed soon by divorce I sat in preisthood meeting where male superiorty was talk about, how only a male can hold the preisthood(In short the power of gods will). What was the last straw for me and my family was that at a time of need we asked the church for help and got a horribel response. you see my brother has epilepsy and a mild handicap and at the time we were getting goverment aid to pay for his medicine, the medicine had made such an inprovment in is abilties when it came time to reevaluate him for goverment aid he was no longer considered handicpped and lost the money we needed to buy his medicine. So we asked the church 4 help cause even with my dad working overtime and my mom working a full time job and me babysiting we could not afford the medicine my brother needed. The church told us that my dad had to stop working sundays, my mother had to quit her job and find her true place which was in the home, and my dad who had long hair and a earing had to remove both his hair and the earing, be fore they would give us any help. This was a shock to me we had been dedicated to this church for 5 years at the time. every sunday we were there my mom and dad had been cub scount leaders, i was in mutal, had collected money on fast sunday, handed out sacrament, done work with the church in my comunity, and within my whole family we had tired to be closer to god in this world and the next oh and i had parcitpate in babtisims for the dead and my dad had babtised my brother and did serveal blessng on me as i had gone up in the priesthood. but yet that was not the important part aperntly a woman wo works and a man with long hair and a earring can not be helped no matter how good a mormon they are. There were other things that happen also that turned me away fromt he religon and caused me to hate some members, such as having me specifly invite my non-member friends to come to a mutal party and turning the whole thing into a "if your not a mormon your going to hell" ( If your mormom you might be familer with the activty i speak of the one where you come to the party and they act as part of the party that your on your way to hawaii on a plane and the plane crashes and you die with all your sins and then have to go from room to room hearing from actors on the diffent levels of the after life and why only perfect mormons get to meet jesus and god and other live in sickness) then after that they tell me the next sunday that i should not hang out with nonmembers cause there beliefs were evil and god would punish them and me for it.
It was things like that, that turned me away. which just bring me back to my point I looked for and idea of what god was from the LDS church and almost ruined my belief in him. I have now found my own belief , whether it is wrong or right it mines no one can corrupt it I will live out my days according to what i believe to be right and come what may, hevean or hell
Im sorry if offend any of you I hope you accept my views as my own as i accept yours
Posted by MIke VanderSys at 2:31 PM 0 comments